February 23, 2021

Basic Computer question Answer .

1. What is the network?

Answer- A network consists of two or more computers that are linked in order to share resources (such as printers and CDs), exchange files, or allow electronic communications. The computers on a network may be linked through cables, telephone lines, radio waves, satellites, or infrared light beams.
2. What is the internet?

Answer-The Internet is a global network of billions of computers and other electronic devices. With the Internet, it's possible to access almost any information, communicate with anyone else in the world, and do much more. You can do all of this by connecting a computer to the Internet, which is also called going online.

3. Write about the history of internet.

Answer- The Internet started in the 1960s as a way for government researchers to share information. ... This eventually led to the formation of the ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), the network that ultimately evolved into what we now know as the Internet.

4. Write about some Commonly used internet terms. 

4 The internet is full of terms and abbreviations, it's easy to lose track of what they all mean. Below is a list of commonly used terms you may encounter while using the internet. 
Mbps - 
IP Address – 
Bandwidth –
Browser – 
Firewall – 
Network –
Modem – 
Router .
E-mail –
Phishing – 

5. What are some Basic requirements for an internet connection?

5. To connect to the Internet you need the following four things:
A computer.
A modem and telephone line (if you are using dial up access) ...
An Internet browser (software) and software to connect you to the ISP.
An account with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) Souvenirs.

6. What are the main parts of a web browser? 

Status Bar: ... 
Address Bar: ... 
Title Bar: ... 
Toolbar Icons: ... 
Display Window: ... 
Scroll Bars

7. Best practices related to online safety.
7. Best practices related to Internet Safety are-
Keep Personal Information hidden
Keep Your Privacy Settings On. ...
Practice Safe Browsing. ...
Make Sure Your Internet Connection is Secure. ...
Be Careful What You Download. 
Choose Strong Passwords. ...
Make Online Purchases From Secure Sites. ...
Be Careful What You Post.

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