NCERT Solutions for Class 11Political ScienceChapter 1Constitution: Why and How? |
NCERT Solutions for
Class 11 Political Science Chapter 1 Constitution: Why and How? |
Class 11 Political
Science Chapter 1 NCERT Textbook Questions Solved |
Question 1. |
Which of these is not
a function of the constitution? |
(a) It gives a
guarantee of the rights of the citizen. |
(b) It marks out
different spheres of power for different branches of government. |
(c) It ensures that
good people come to power. id) It gives expression to some shared values. |
Answer: |
(c) It ensures that
good people come to power. |
Question 2. |
Which of the following
is a good reason to conclude that the authority of the constitution is higher
than that of the parliament? |
(а) The constitution
was framed before the parliament came into being. |
(b) The constitution
makers were more eminent leaders than the members of the parliament. |
(c) The constitution
specifies how parliament is to be formed and what are its powers. |
(d) The constitution
cannot be amended by the parliament. |
Answer: |
(c) The constitution specifies
how parliament is to be formed and what are its powers. |
Question 3. |
State whether the
following statements about a constitution are True or False: |
(a) Constitutions are
written documents about formation and power of the government. |
(b) Constitutions
exist and are required only in democratic countries. |
(c) Constitution is a
legal document that does not deal with ideals and values. |
(d) A constitution
gives its citizens a new identity. |
Answer: |
(a) True |
(b) False |
(c) False |
(d) True |
Question 4. |
State whether the
following inferences about the making of the Indian Constitution are Correct
or Incorrect. Give reasons to support your answer. |
(a) The Constituent
Assembly did not represent the Indian people since it was not elected by all
citizens. |
(b) Constitution
making did not involve any major decision since there was a general consensus
among the leaders at that time about its basic framework. |
(c) There was little
originality in the Constitution, for much of it was borrowed from other
countries. |
Answer: |
(a) It is incorrect to
say that Constituent Assembly did not represent Indian people |
because: |
Although the members
of Constituent Assembly were not elected by Universal suffrage, but there was
a serious attempt to make the Assembly a representative body. |
The Constituent Assembly
represented the members of all religions, social and economic groups to
accommodate all shades of opinion within it. |
The Assembly had 26
members even from scheduled castes. |
(b) It is correct to
say because: |
Objective the
Resolution containing principles was moved by Nehru in 1946 brought by the
nationalist movement. |
Constituent Assembly
could not have functioned without any background consensus on main
principles. |
Our constitution does
not have only rules and procedures but a moral commitment also to establish a
government to fulfill the promises made to peoples. |
(c) It is incorrect to
say because: |
Though they borrowed a
number of provisions from Constitutions of different countries but it was not
based upon slavish imitations. |
Each provision before
it was included, well considered by the members of Constituent Assembly. |
Long debates and
discussions also took place to examine the suitability to the conditions
prevailing in India along with problems and aspirations of the people. |
Question 5. |
Give two examples each
to support the following conclusions about the Indian Constitution: |
(a) The Constitution
was made by credible leaders who commanded people’s respect. |
(b) The Constitution
has distributed power in such a way as to make it difficult to |
subvert it. |
(c) The Constitution
is the locus of people’s hopes and aspirations. |
Answer: |
(a) The following two
factors are responsible: |
The members of
Constituent Assembly were elected by indirect election by the members of
Provincial Legislative Assemblies to be established in 1935. Assembly
reflected each of the communities, provinces, princely states through an
appropriate formula. Even 28 members belonged to scheduled castes. |
The members of
Constituent Assembly went through long debates and discussions for 166 days
spread over two years eleven months. |
(b) The following two
factors can be summed up for the same: |
Our Constitution has
made institutional arrangements of government on the basis of check and
balance approach. If one of the institutions goes beyond its limitations, the
other checks it. |
The procedure for
amendments is well elaborated for different articles of the Constitution. |
(c) The following
factors are responsible for the same because: |
The Constitution has
provided some Fundamental Rights along with protected provisions,tibebthe
judiciary has powers to protect them. |
The Constitution of
India has incorporated some ‘Directive Principles of State Policy’ which are
not justiciable but a moral duty of government. The governmenthas also given
some effects to these in the form of fixed minimum wages, formation of
Panchayati Raj Institutions, employment guarantee scheme and mid-day meal
schemes, etc. to be the hopes and aspirations of the people. |
Question 6. |
Why is it necessary
for a country to have a clear demarcation of powers and responsibilities in
the constitution? What would happen in the absence of such a demarcation? |
Answer: |
It is necessary for a
country to have a clear demarcation of powers and responsibilities |
in the constitution
because: |
To ensure that no single institution
acquires monopoly of power. |
In case of
transgressions, it may be checked by one of the institutions. |
To specify who plays
important role in decision-making powers. |
It shows how
government would be constituted. |
It lays down some
limits on the government and citizens both which are fundamental in nature
which should not to be trespassed by government and citizens. |
The Constitution shows
how organs of government are interrelated alongwith a demarcation of powers
of institutions like legislature, executive and judiciary as well as
statutory bodies, ibsbElection Commission of India, etc. |
The judiciary has been
given a specific place to declare any law unconstitutional if not at par the
provisions of Constitution. |
In the absence of such
a demarcation: |
The federal set up
would get strained and there would be crisis in center as well as states. |
There would be a
problem to the citizens and laws will be proved to be unjust and unfair. |
Question 7. |
Why is it necessary
for a constitution to place limitations on the rulers? Can there be a
constitution that gives no power at all to the citizens? |
Answer: |
It is necessary for a
constitution to place limitations on the rulers: |
These units are
fundamental in the sense that the rulers may not trespass them. |
Citizens have been
specified certain fundamental rights in Constitution to limit powers of rulers. |
Citizens have been
granted some basic rights of liberties also, ibebright to freedom of speech
and expressions, freedom to form trade union and associations, etc. which
cannot be checked by the government. |
Only during the
national emergency or in national interest, these rights may be withdrawn
during some specific periods. |
It is necessary for a
constitution to place limitations on the rulers otherwise they may turn to be
a dictator and may overlook the people’s interest constitution guards and controls
the rulers. |
No, there can be no
constitution that gives no power to its people: |
In a Constitutional
monarchy, monarch decides the powers of people. |
In a dictatorship, the
ruler is supposed to get the support of people to cling to the power, i.e.
Pakistan’s General Musharraf also conducted periodic referendum to hold
power. |
In a democratic
institutions/Constitution; the people are the real source of power where
public mandate is required to enact the policies for rulers. |
These can’t be a
Constitution that gives no power at all to the citizens. It is always for the
welfare of the citizens of the country. |
Question 8. |
The Japanese
Constitution was made when the US occupation army was still in control of
Japan after its defeat in the Second World War. The Japanese constitution
could not have had any provision that the US government did not like. Do you
see any problem in this way of making the constitution? In which way was the
Indian experience different from this? |
Answer: |
The Japanese
Constitution could not have had any provision that the US government did not
like, after the defeat of Japan in Second World War (1939-1945), due to fact
that Constitution seeks to perform the functions and look after the interest
of the rulers or authorities in the country who has occupied it. But, in a
democratic country, a constitution expresses the fundamental identity of
people as in India. |
Indian experience was
different from the experience of Japan in the following manner: |
The Indian
Constitution was framed by the Constituent Assembly which was elected to
aspire India to be a society free of any sort of discrimination among people. |
The framers of Indian Constitution
worked for leading a life of social dignity and social respect along with
minimum material well-being and education to an individual. |
Indian Constitution
enabled the government to fulfill the aspirations of society, to make it more
better. |
Indian Constitution
has inculcated the federal spirit with the distribution of powers between the
different levels of government as well as bicameral legislatures and
independent judiciary have also been set up. |
The Constituent
Assembly framed Constitution after a long debates and discussions to provide
political, social and legal equalities to the people. |
Question 9. |
Raj at asked his
teacher this question: “The constitution is a fifty year old and therefore
outdated book. No one took my consent for implementing it. It is written in
such tough language that I cannot understand it. Tell me why should I obey
this document?” If you were the teacher, how would you answer Rajat? |
Answer: |
Had I been the teacher
I would answer Rajat: |
Indian Constitution is
a blend of flexibility and rigidity. Hence, despite being fifty years old, it
is not outdated as it has been amended a number of times whenever required to
be modified from time to time. |
The Constitution was
framed by the Constituent Assembly of an elected representatives from every
section of society. |
Though Constituent
Assembly was dominated by Congress which occupied 82% of the seats in
Assembly, but it has representation from every class, religion and communities,
regions to accommodate all shades of opinion within it. |
Though it is not
possible to consult each and every individual in framing of Constitution,
hence, the provisions were made to elect representatives from every section
to reflect the people from all these. |
Question 10. |
In a discussion on the
experience of the working of our Constitution, three speakers took three
different positions: |
(a) Harbans: The
Indian Constitution has succeeded in giving us a framework of democratic government. |
(b) Neha: The
Constitution made solemn promises of ensuring liberty, equality and
fraternity. Since this has not happened, the Constitution has failed. |
(c) Nazima: The
Constitution has not failed us. We have failed the Constitution. |
Do you agree with any
of these positions? If yes, why? If not, what is your own position? |
Answer: |
In the above mentioned
conversation of three people focused whether the working of our Constitution
is fruitful or not: |
(a) |
Indian Constitution is
a document consisting the supreme and fundamental laws of country about
powers, functions and structures of the government. |
Constitution also
shows that how the organs of government are interrelated with each other as
well as the relationship between the government and its citizens. |
In the Preamble of
Constitution, India has been declared A Sovereign, Socialist, Secular,
Democratic Republic to provide social, economic and political justice to all
the citizens along with introduction of universal adult franchise also. But
in practice Indian democracy is suffering from various social and economic
evils which have proved a curse. |
(b) |
Equality and freedom
of citizens is disturbed on the basis of some unconstitutional activities. |
Though the provisions
for free and fair elections have been made even then money and muscle power
is prevailing everywhere. |
Sometimes political
leaders are found to belong to criminal background and some play the politics
of vote bank. |
The judiciary has to
interfere in the functioning of executive and legislatures, |
Various problems are
still being faced by country, i.e. terrorism, naxalism, communal riots, etc. |
Hence, we agree with
the position of Neha that the goals which were supposed to be achieved
through Constitution, has not still been achieved due to above mentioned
facts, so we can say that the Constitution has failed to fulfill the needs of
the individuals. |
(c) |
We have failed the
Constitution because we have not applied our sincere efforts towards
citizens’ welfare properly. |
Corruption has taken
place in public and private sector both, this is not only due to
representatives but the citizens are not vigilant and dutiful also. |
The citizens are also
supposed to be active in public affairs and to support other citizens in the
exercise of the rights and discharge of obligations. |
The citizens should
get themselves educated to curb social and economic inequality to implement
the Constitution. Hence, it can be concluded that Constitution has not failed
us but we have failed the Constitution due to our negligence towards our
rights and duties |
Class 11 Political
Science Chapter 1 NCERT Extra Questions Solved |
Class 11 Political
Science Chapter 1 NCERT Very Short Answer Type Questions |
Question 1. |
What is the
Constitution? |
Answer: |
The Constitution of a
country is a written document which prescribes it to be a supreme law of the
country to decide the structure of the government along with the rights and
duties of citizens. The Constitution speaks of who would play a vital role in
decision-making powers. |
Question 2. |
What are the features
of the Constitution? |
Answer: |
It is the Supreme Law
of Country. |
It maintains a
relationship between the government and the citizens of country. |
It constitutes the
structure of the government. |
It tells who would
play an important role in decision-making powers. |
Question 3. |
What is the nature of
India as per the Preamble of the Indian Constitution? |
Answer: |
India is a Sovereign,
Secular, Socialist, Democratic and Republic state. |
Question 4. |
Mention the function
of Constitution which set some limits on our government but on the other hand
it favors the citizens. |
Answer: |
The Constitution sets
some limits on what a government can impose on its citizens. These limits are
fundamental in the sense that government may never trespass them. |
Question 5. |
What is the need and
importance of a Constitution? |
Answer: |
The Constitution provides a framework within
which a government has to work. |
It minimizes the
chances of disputes among the various organs of the government as it clearly
defines their powers and functions separately. |
It also controls the
misuse of power by the government. |
It safeguards the
fundamental rights of the citizens. |
Question 6. |
What do you mean by
‘Democratic’ with special reference to India? |
Answer: |
Democratic denotes to
choose democracy as a way of life and run the administration through
democratic institutions like legislatures, executive, free and fair
judiciary, etc. |
‘Democratic’ word in
Preamble refers to social and economic democracy except political democracy. |
Question 7. |
What do the political
and economic justice stand for? |
Answer: |
Political Justice:
Political justice refers to equal political rights to be enjoyed by all the
citizens of country where every citizen has right to elect the representatives
as well as the right to be elected as representatives. |
Economic Justice: It
refers to every citizen to get the equal opportunities to earn one’s
livelihood as well as equal payment for equal work. |
Question 8. |
What is Preamble to
the Constitution? |
Answer: |
Preamble to the
Constitution is an introductory part of Constitution which enables the people
to assess and evaluate the performance of government in the light of
objectives laid down into the Preamble. |
Question 9. |
Mention the four main
features of Indian Constitution. |
Answer: |
It establishes a
Sovereign, democratic republic in India. |
It establishes India
as a secular state. |
It has provisions of fundamental
rights as well as fundamental duties to the citizens of India. |
It establishes a
parliamentary form of government in India. |
Question 10. |
“India is a secular
state”. Justify the statement. |
Answer: |
The word ‘Secular’ was
put in the Preamble to Constitution through the 42nd Amendment. |
‘Secular’ refers that
the state has no religion of its own but shows due respect to all religions. |
The state observes
complete neutrality in religious matters. |
The 45th Amendment
carries equal respect and recognition to all religions. |
No discrimination in
India has ever been made against any individual belonging to different
communities, religions, castes, etc. |
Question 11. |
What do you understand
by the terms liberty, equality and fraternity in the Preamble to
Constitution? |
Answer: |
Liberty: It is stated
in the Preamble as a goal that the people should have liberty of thought,
expression, belief and faith, jfeftthe state should remove the obstacles for
the individuals to enjoy freedom of thought, expression, belief, faith and
worship. |
Equality: The Preamble
to the Constitution always emphasizes to remove any sort of discrimination on
the basis of sex, religion, race, colour, caste, etc. by making the
provisions: |
Article 14— Equality
of Justice |
Article 15—Social
equality |
Article 16—Equality to
achieve administrative services |
17—Untouchability is removed (Social inequality) |
Article 18—All the
designations except academic and military were finished. |
Fraternity: Fraternity
refers to brotherhood means equality of all citizens and their integrity.
Everybody in society should be provided with the basic right to food, housing
and clothing without any discrimination. Every citizen of the state is to be
regarded as the part of the decision-making process. |
Question 12. |
What is the main
difference between the position of the head of state in India and that of the
USA? |
Or |
How can you justify
that India is a Republic? |
Answer: |
India is a Republic
because the head of the state is the President who is elected by the
Electoral College of the Parliament and the State Legislative Assembly for a
fixed period of five years. |
The difference between
the position of the President of India and the USA is that in the USA, the
President is the head of the presidential form of democratic government (real
head of executive) whereas in India, President is the head of the parliamentary
government, i.e. Prime Minister and his Cabinet is real executive and the
President is the nominal head of the state. |
Question 13. |
What is the
Constitution? How can we say that the Constitution is a living document? |
Answer: |
A Constitution is a
written set of rules and regulations to run the government of a country. It
also defines the positions of three organs of the Government, i.e. the
executive, the legislature and the judiciary along with maintaining relations
between the Government and the citizens. |
A Constitution is a
living document because: |
It contains provisions
to resolve social-economic problems. |
To update at par the
provisions of constitution, the amendments are made. |
interpretations, executive orders, customs also support to the growth of a
constitution. |
A Constitution is
capable to adopt the new conditions as they arise. |
Question 14. |
Why should we respect
our Constitution? |
Answer: |
We should respect our
Constitution because: |
A Constitution is a
supreme and fundamental law of country. |
A Constitution
distributes the powers and functions among the three organs of government,
i.e. the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. |
The Government of
India is composed of principles laid down in a Constitution. |
A Constitution
maintains relations between the government and the citizens. |
Question 15. |
“India is a Sovereign,
Democratic, Republic”. Justify the statement. |
Answer: |
India as a Sovereign
State: |
India has attained a
full status of independent statehood. |
India is no longer
under subjugation of any foreign power. |
India is free to
conduct her internal and external affairs as she deems desirable. |
India as a Democratic
State: |
The ultimate source of
political and constitutional authority in India is vested with the people. |
Elections are held on
regular intervals on the basis of adult franchise. |
Equality is the basic principle
of a democratic form of government. |
Citizens of India
enjoy the justifiable fundamental rights. |
Rule of Law is an
essential feature of Indian Democratic State. |
India as a Republic: |
The head of the state
is the President of India. |
He is elected by the
electoral college of parliament and state assemblies after every five years. |
Question 16. |
Indian Constitution
contains some provisions for social justice. Examine. |
Answer: |
In India, social
justice is lacking due to the fact that persons who enjoy greater wealth and
property, have power and others are deprived. |
Provisions made in
Indian Constitution to end social injustice in India: |
The Indian
Constitution has declared the practice of untouchability, a punishable
offence. |
The state will provide
equal opportunities to all citizens of India. |
No one can be
discriminated from using public facilities on the ground of caste, religion,
language, etc. |
India works on welfare
state’s philosophy to the welfare of people and upliftment of weaker
sections. |
Constitution has given
special privileges to SC’s, ST’s, OBC’s and even to women and minorities. |
Question 17. |
Write a note on
Constituent Assembly. |
Answer: |
The Indian
Constitution was made by Constituent Assembly. |
It held its first
sittings on 9 December 1946 and reassembled on 14 August 1947 by the elected
members of Provisional Legislative Assemblies through an election. |
It was composed
roughly along the lines suggested by Cabinet Mission and on 26 November 1949,
284 actual members appended their signature to the Constitution. |
Constituent Assembly
was made seriously a representative body in which the representation from all
section of society was made and accommodated all shades of opinion. |
The Assembly took 166
days spread over two years, eleven months and eighteen days to frame the
Constitution finally adopted. |
Question 18. |
What is the philosophy
of the Indian Constitution? Discuss. |
Answer: |
Framers of the
Constitution expressed their vision for a new society and polity. |
Despite the
differences of opinion, the framers reached a consensus to be reflected in
the Constitution. |
Indian Constitution
was attempted to reach a goal of building a new social order on the basis of
democracy, equality, and justice. |
It also projected
fundamental rights and civil liberties of Indian citizens alongwith
fundamental duties and directive principles of state policy. |
Indian Constitution is
based on a liberal-welfare-democratic society to be reflected in the
Preamble. |
Thus the philosophy of
the Constitution finds its expression in the Preamble of the Indian
Constitution. |
Class 11 Political
Science Chapter 1 NCERT Passage Based Questions |
Passage 1. |
Read the passage
(NCERT Textbook, page 18) given below carefully and answer the questions that
follow: |
“… I have realised as
nobody else could have, with what zeal and devotion the members of the
Drafting Committee and especially its Chairman, Dr. Ambedkar in spite of his
indifferent health, have worked. We could never make a decision which was or
could be ever so right as when we put him on the Drafting Committee and made
him its Chairman. He has^not only justified his selection but has added
lustre to the work which he has done. In. this ‘ connection, it would be
invidious to make any distinction as among the other members of the
Committee. I know they have all worked with the same zeal and devotion as its
Chairman, and they deserve the thanks of the country.” |
Questions: |
1. Who was the
Chairman of Drafting Committee? |
2. What made the
Constituent Assembly of India unique? |
3. How long the
Constitution of India took in framing? |
4. Who was the
Chairman of the Constituent Assembly? |
Answers: |
1. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
was the Chairman of the Drafting Committee. |
2. Constituent
Assembly of India included the members from all shades of opinion who did not
simply advance their interest but gave principled reasons to other members. |
3. 2 years 11 months
and 18 days. |
4. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
was the Chairman of the Constituent Assembly |
Passage 2. |
Read the passage
(NCERT Textbook, page 21) given below carefully and answer the questions that
follow: |
“One likes to ask
whether there can be anything new in a Constitution framed at this hour in
the history of the world… The only new things, if there can be any, in a
Constitution framed so late in the day are the variations made to remove the
faults and to accommodate it to the needs of the country.” |
Questions: |
1. Whose words have
been referred to here? |
2. What was the main
new thing according to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar during the process of framing the
Indian Constitution? |
Answers: |
1. Here, the words of
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar have been referred to. |
2. According to Dr.
B.R. Ambedkar the only new thing in the new Constitution framed so late in
the day are the variations made to remove the failures and accommodate it to
the needs of India. |
Class 11 Political
Science Chapter 1 NCERT Long Answer Type Questions |
Question 1. |
Write the Preamble to
the Indian Constitution. |
Answer: |
The Preamble: We, the
people of India, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a
citizens: justice, social, economic and political, liberty of thought,
expression, belief, faith and worship. |
Equality of status and
of opportunity, and to promote among them all: |
Fraternity assuring
the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the nation. In
our Constituent Assembly, this twenty-sixth day of November 1949, do hereby
adopt, enact and give to ourselves this Constitution. |
Question 2. |
What was ‘Objectives
Resolution’? Explain. |
Answer: |
The best summary of
the principles that the nationalist movement brought to the Constituent
Assembly is the Objectives Resolution that defines the aims of the Assembly,
moved by Nehru in 1946. It encapsulated the aspirations and values behind the
Constitution: |
India is an independent,
sovereign, republic; |
India shall be a Union
of erstwhile British Indian territories, Indian States and other parts
outside British India and Indian States as are willing to be a part of the
Union. |
Territories forming
the Union shall be autonomous units and exercise all powers and functions of
the Government and administration, except those assigned to or vested in the
Union; |
All people of India
shall be guaranteed and secured social, economic and political justice.
Equality of status and opportunities and equality before law and fundamental-
freedom of speech, expression, belief, faith, worship, association and
action-subject to law and public morality. |
The minorities,
backward and tribal areas, depressed and other backward classes shall be
provided adequate safeguards. |
The land would make
full and willing contribution to the promotion of world peace and welfare of
mankind; |
All powers and
authority of sovereign and independent India and its constitution shall flow
from the people; |
The territorial
integrity of the Republic and its sovereign rights on land, sea and air shall
be maintained according to justice and law of civilized nations |
Question 3. |
What are the unique
features of Indian Constitution? |
Answer: |
The unique features of
Indian Constitution are as follows: |
Indian Constitution is
written set of rules and regulations and it is the lengthiest Constitution in
the world containing 395 articles, 12 schedules and a book of more than 250
pages. |
Indian Constitution
has provided to Indian citizens fundamental rights and to establish a welfare
state, directive principles of state policy have also been generated. |
By the 42nd Amendment
in 1976, some (ten) fundamental duties have also been added up in the
Constitution. |
Indian Constitution is
federal in structure but unitary in spirit. |
The Indian
Constitution is a blend of flexibility and rigidity, i.e. some of the
Articles in Constitution can be amended by simple-majority but some require
2/3 majority of the parliament and voting in each house as well as to be
ratified by at least half of the state legislatures. |
Question 4. |
Mention the sources of
the Indian Constitution along with the feature taken from these sources. |
Answer: |
The Government of
India Act, 1935: |
About two-thirds of
the Indian Constitution is derived from the Government of India Act, 1935 |
Provincial autonomy |
Parliamentary system |
Federal count |
Federal system |
British Constitution: |
Parliamentary form of
government |
The idea of the rule
of law |
Institution of the
speaker and his role |
Law-making procedure |
Single citizenship |
Single integrated
judiciary |
United States
Constitution: |
Charter of Fundamental
Rights |
Power of judicial
review and independence of the judiciary |
Preamble to
Constitution |
Irish Constitution: |
Provided for the
guidelines to the state |
Included directive
principles of state policy |
French Constitution: |
Principles of liberty |
Principles of equality
and fraternity |
Canadian Constitution: |
A quasi-federal form
of government (a federal system with a strong central government). |
The idea of residual
powers. |
German Constitution: |
Emergency provisions |
Indian President’s
powers to impose external or internal emergencies. |
Class 11 Political
Science Chapter 1 NCERT Picture-Based Questions |
1. Read the cartoon
(NCERT Textbook, page 5) given below and answer the questions that follow: |
NCERT Solutions for
Class 11 Political Science Chapter 1 Constitution Why and How Picture Based
Questions Q1 |
Question: |
Does this always
happen in any constitution-making? |
Answer: |
No, this does not
happen in all Constitution-making if the representatives in Constituent
Assembly are elected either directly or indirectly from all sections of
society, the attempt of framing the Constitution would be successful. |
2. Read the cartoon
(NCERT Textbook, page 7) given below and answer the questions that follow: |
NCERT Solutions for
Class 11 Political Science Chapter 1 Constitution Why and How Picture Based
Questions Q2 |
Questions: |
(i) Can you identify
what these different groups stand for? |
(ii) Who do you think
prevailed in this balancing act? |
Answers: |
(i) The cartoon refers
to different religions, cultures, castes and regions having different
preferences, i.e. liberal nationalists and radical nationalists. |
(ii) Both the songs
‘Jana Gana Mana’ and ‘Vande Mataram’ were accepted as national heritage. The
first is our national anthem and the second is our national song. All the
Indians show respect and sing both the songs. Despite so many diversities of
languages customs, cultures, festivals the whole country has the same respect
for national song and the tricolour. They balance the diversity of India. |
3. Read the cartoon
(NCERT Textbook, page 9) given below and answer the questions that follow: |
NCERT Solutions for
Class 11 Political Science Chapter 1 Constitution Why and How Picture Based
Questions Q3 |
Questions: |
(i)What do these
different people stand for? |
(ii) Compare the
conflict depicted here with that depicted in earlier cartoons for the
European Union and India. |
Answers: |
(i) The cartoon refers
to three different ethnic groups in Iraq, i.e. Shiites, Sunnis, Kurdis. The above
groups stand for their own philosophies, ideologies and interests. |
(ii) The Iraqi people
expect to frame a new Constitution and to be accepted by all ethnic groups of
Iraq. In the European Union, the attempt of the people failed but in India, the
same attempt got success. |
4. Read the cartoon
(NCERT Textbook, page 14) given below and answer the questions that follow: |
NCERT Solutions for
Class 11 Political Science Chapter 1 Constitution Why and How Picture Based
Questions Q4 |
Questions: |
(i) Why does the
cartoonist describe the new Iraqi Constitution as the castle of cards? |
(ii) Would this
description apply to the Indian Constitution? |
Answers: |
(i) Because it is
being prepared by pro-US. The people as well as the Constituent |
Assembly of Iraq is
not representing all ethnic groups of the country. Hence, the Constitution is
imposed and will be scattered as a castle of cards. |
(ii) This description
does not apply to the Indian Constitution because: |
Indian Constitution is
not imposed on Indians, but it was framed from among different shades of
opinion after a long discussions and debates. |
It was adopted by
people willfully. |
It is a living
document to be amended from time to time at par aspirations of people. |
Showing posts with label Constitution: Why and How?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Constitution: Why and How?. Show all posts
June 27, 2021
NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 1 Constitution: Why and How?
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