Showing posts with label Chapter - 3 Digital Documentation D. Short answer questions Page No. 92. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chapter - 3 Digital Documentation D. Short answer questions Page No. 92. Show all posts

April 14, 2021

Chapter - 3 CLASS 9 Digital Documentation D. Short answer questions Page No. 92

Chapter - 3
Digital Documentation

D. Short answer questions (50 words):

1 In a document all the occurrences of word “this” have to be changed to “these”. Which option is suitable for this and what is the shortcut command used for it?
Ans: Find and Replace option will be used for replacing the the word “this” with the word “these”.  The keyboard shortcut for this command is CTRL+F
 2. Which two documents are essential for mail merge? 
Ans: In mail merge two documents are created. 
Main Document : It contains the form letter. The form letter contains the actual information and variable names for the data which varies in different letters.
Data source : It is created for holding the address list.
3. Explain the concept of Word Processing. 
Ans: Word processing is a computer software to enter, edit, format, store, retrieve and print the document. The document can be a letter, notice, report, business correspondence, etc.
The modern word processors are based on GUI so they are (WYSIWYG) which means (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) editing. This means, the special effects on text are also visible on the screen.

4. List the various software available for word processing. 
Ans: Web-based and other word processers are: 
• Google Docs 
• Office 365 Word
 • Microsoft One Drive Word
* Writer
* Wordpad

5. Write difference between a text editor and a word processor software. Write the name of any text editor or word processor available in market. 
Ans. Word Processor processes the words with pages and paragraphs. It is a processor that provides the basic editing, input, formatting, and output of the text with some additional features.

Difference between Word Processor and Text Editor :
Word Processor 
It is a more extensive type of text editor. 
Text Editor
It is used to edit plain text files

6. List the various components of Libre Office suite. Explain each component in one line. 
Ans:  It uses Open Document Format (ODF) file format, for publishing documents. 
The components of Libre Office are:
1. Writer for word processing . Typing and text formatting is done in it,
2. Calc for spreadsheet preparation. It is used for calculation purposes.
3. Impress for creating beautiful presentation.
4. Base is used for database management.
5. Draw software is used for drawing and others. 
7. Compare the features of manual typewriter, electronic typewriter and word processing software. 
Ans: Features of manual typewriter:
• In case of any typing error, the whole sheet is required to be typed again. 
• To send same letter to two or more persons with different addresses requires multiple typing efforts. 
• Typewriter does not have all the required characters or symbols and It is not possible to type all the characters using the typewriter. 

Features of Electronic typewriter:
• In electronic typewriter, it is possible to make changes in the content, 
• make multiple copies with minor changes. 
• But it has a limitation of very small size screen to display the contents. Its screen can view only one or two lines.
Features of Word processing software are:
• Create, edit, save, retrieve and print the document  
• Move or copy a selected text from one document to any other document 
• Change the font size, font style of the text in the document
• Format paragraphs as well as pages 
• Check spelling and grammar 
• Create table, modify the size of the selected rows, columns or cells 
• Combine one or more documents 
• Insert pictures or graphs within the document 
• Print the selected text or document.

8.Explain the different views to display a document. 
Ans.: Writer has three document views available: Print Layout, Web Layout, and Full Screen.
* Print Layout is the default view.You can use the zoom slider to adjust magnification and view layout icons in the status bar to change page view. 
* In Web Layout view you can use the zoom slider but the layout icons are disabled. The Zoom & View Layout dialog box only allows zoom options.
* In FullScreen mode the document is displayed in the selected view (Print or Web) but the document fills the entire screen. Toolbars and sidebar are not displayed. Press  Esc  or the Full Screen icon   to exit Full Screen mode.

9. What are the various methods for selecting the text in a document? Give the steps to select a paragraph. 
Ans: Selection methods are:
1. To select a letter or letters Drag the Mouse across the letter(s) 
2. To select a single word at a time Position the mouse pointer anywhere on that word and double click. 
3. To select a complete sentence at a Position the mouse pointeranywhere in the 
time sentence and triple click.
4. To select a complete paragraph at a Position the mouse pointer anywhere in the 
time paragraph and click the left mouse button four times. 
5. A document Press Ctrl + A on the key board. 

10. What are the special characters? How can you insert them in a document? 
Ans: Special Characters are the characters which cannot be typed by using the keyboard. Sometime we may require to enter the special character, such as ¶ .LibreOffice Writer provides a feature to enter the number of special characters. To do this select Insert → SpecialCharacter option and then select the character to insert.
11. How will you count the total words of a document? 
Ans: Command to count the total words used in a document:
Click ToolsWordCount option.
12. What are the various menu of Writer GUI? 
Ans: Menubar: It appears below the Title Bar. It shows the menu items File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tables, Tools, Window and Help. On selecting a menu item, its submenu will open below the menu item.
13. What is the default extension assigned to the document in Writer when you save it? Write down the steps to save the document to Microsoft Word document? 
Ans: By default, the file is saved with.odtextension in Writer.
Steps to save Writer file in Microsoft Word document format:
1. Click on save As option in File menu.
2. Give the file name.
3. Click on the option Save as type and select the Microsoft Word option from the list and click on Save.
14. What is the importance of password in the document? How will you protect the document using password in Writer? 
Ans: Password enables the protection of the document from the unauthorized people to open. 
Steps to save a file with password:
1. Select File → Save
2. Select the location on disk to save the file 
3. Type a suitable name for the document 
4. Click on Save button 
5. To save the document with password, put a tick on the checkbox Save with a password
6. Type the password to open the file in Set password dialog box 
7. Type the same password in the second box and click OK button.

15. What is mail merge? Write down the steps to create mailing labels to paste on wedding cards. 
Ans: Mail Merge is a very important feature of word processor. It is used to create a series of same documents with multiple addresses. Mail merge is the process of merging the main document (letter or certificates) with the mailing address of various persons.
Steps to create mailing labels:
1. Create a new document.
2. To create multiple letters using Mail Merge Wizard, select Tool → Mail Merge Wizard.
3. Select Step1, ‘Select Starting document → Use the current document → Next’. 
4. In Step 2, select the Document type → Letter → Next 
5. In Step 3, click on the button “Select Address List”. 
6. Click on the Create button. After clicking on the Create button a New Address List window will open and add the data in it.
7. If you wish to customise the fields of recipient information, click on Customise button. A 'Customise Address List' window will appear.
8. Now you can add, delete or rename any field name.
9. After customising the fields, enter the data in the new format.
10. After clicking OK button, save the list of recipient in .CSV format.
11. Click onStep 3 of Mail Merge and select next. 
12. Click on step 4 and remove or choose salutation. 
13. Click Print Merged Documents button on the Mail Merge toolbar to print the labels.
16. What are the advantages of table? Prepare your report card of Class VIII in table format. 
Ans.: Tables are useful for various tasks such as presenting text information,school timetable, mark-sheets and numerical data.  Tables help in understanding the information in a better, quick and easy manner. The information is stored in rows and columns in a table which help in easy comparison analysis. 

Extra Questions

Ctrl+O To open an already saved document
Ctrl+N To create a new document
Ctrl+S Tosave a document
Ctrl+Home To jump to the beginning of a document
Ctrl+End To jump to the end of a document
Home key jump to the beginning of the line 
End key jump to the end of a line
Ctrl+Z To Undo the last action
Ctrl+C to make one or more copies of the selected text 
Ctrl+X to cut or move the selected text from one place to another
CTRL+V To paste the copied or cut text
Ctrl+A To select all of the text in a document
Ctrl+G Go to Page number
Ctrl +F10 To display the non-printing character
F7 To check Spelling and Grammar 
Ctrl+M To clear the existing formatting on the text
Ctrl + Return To break the current page and start the new page 
Ctrl+F12 Insert Table 
Ctrl+P To print a file
(Ctrl+B) for Bold printing, 
(Ctrl+I) for italics printingand (Ctrl+U) for underline the text
Text Alignment
Align Left (Ctrl+L),         
Align Center Horizontally (Ctrl+E),       
Align Right (Ctrl+R) and 
Justify (Ctrl+J)

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