Showing posts with label Tips for Scoring good in Board Examination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips for Scoring good in Board Examination. Show all posts

March 20, 2021

Tips for Scoring good in Board Examination

Tips for CBSE Board Exam Preparation:

1. Select the right time to start preparing for your board exams

Though every student has different learning capabilities so we can’t decide when each student should start preparing for the exams. Still, there is a common approach to exam preparation that needs to be followed. Those who are not done with the revision of the whole syllabus or have not started yet can start now to ignore the disappointment at the time of exam results.

2. Good timetable will make your exam preparations easy

Without proper planning, it’s almost impossible to reach your target. Therefore, to make an effective preparation for the upcoming CBSE board exams, every student must prepare a proper study time table first and then make a habit to stick to the same.

3. Sufficient time should be devoted to self-study

After school or coaching classes, every student must take out some time which he/she can devote completely to self-studies so as to analyse and practice the topics learned in school or coaching class. You must spare enough time so that you are able to achieve some prefixed study targets.

4. Adopt the best study habits to excel in board exams

To perform well in board exams, each student must have some important study habits which could help them stand in the queue of top scorers. Creating a study plan and sticking to it, being punctual and disciplined, balancing the academic and personal life are some of the good qualities cum habits, which a student must adopt.

5. Make a strategy to learn long answers for the board exam

It’s quite obvious for students to panic while learning long answers as engulfing the massive text is never an easy job. So, to overcome the terror of learning long answers, students must prepare a strategy for long answers, like breaking them into paragraphs, writing them on paper and relating them to real life situations so as to retain them in the brain for a long time.

6. Practicing previous years’ question papers prepares you better for the upcoming challenge

Students are always suggested to solve more and more previous years’ question papers, especially when they are done after the revision of the whole syllabus. Practicing question papers helps you track your preparation level and know where you are lacking or are strong.

7. Solve CBSE Sample Papers:

CBSE Sample papers are released by the board for all subjects for classes 10 and 12 a few months before the commencement of board exams. Teachers suggest that practicing with the CBSE sample papers are perfect to start your exam preparations. They also ask the students to go through the marking schemes released by the board to understand how their answers would be evaluated in board exams.

8. Take regular breaks to enjoy yourself

Avoid studying for long hours continuously. Instead, take regular intervals every 50-60 minutes. These intervals are important to relax your brain and retrieve your energy to get ready for the next study session. They help to keep your brain focused and alert.

9. Throw away the exam fear and just relax

Fear, anxiety and stress will only hamper your preparations and ultimately affect your performance in board exams. So, instead of taking tension, start preparing for the exam with a relaxed mind. You just need to put in the best efforts, the result will automatically come out to be the best.

10. Write your board exam appropriately

After preparing hard for the board exam, now’s the time when your answer sheet must reflect your hard work. You must follow the proper techniques and strategies to write the answers in the best way and complete your exam well on time. Make the best use of the 15 minutes reading time allotted before starting writing the exam.

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डिस्क्लेमर-यह एक व्यक्तिगत ब्लॉग है। इस ब्लॉग में प्रस्तुत कोई भी विचार या राय व्यक्तिगत है और पूरी तरह से ब्लॉग स्वामी के हैं और उन लोगों, संस्थानों या संगठनों का प्रतिनिधित्व नहीं करते हैं, जो स्वामी पेशेवर या व्यक्तिगत क्षमता से संबद्ध हो सकते हैं या नहीं, जब तक कि स्पष्ट रूप से कहा गया हो।

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