March 13, 2021

Information Technology IT-402 Solved (Class 10 CBSE) Unit 2 – Web Applications (Basics)

Information Technology 
Solved (Class 10 CBSE)

Unit 2 – 

Web Applications (Basics)
1. The option in Microsoft Windows XP used for helping users with physical disabilities and to reduce repetitive strain is Accessibility option.
2. Sound Sentry is designed to help users with auditory impairments.
3. The High Contrast option in Microsoft Windows XP is designed to assist people with vision impairments.
4. Serial Keys is designed to assist people that have difficulty using a keyboard or a mouse.

1. The acronym for LAN is Local Area Network.
2. Three types of Wired Internet Connectivity are Dial-Up, DSL & Cable Internet Access.
3. Three types of Wireless Internet Connectivity are 3G, WIMAX & Wi-Fi.

Q1 - What is the definition of networking?
Answer - A computer network is a collection of computers and other hardware components interconnected by communication channels (cables or satellites) that allow sharing of resources and information.

Q2 - What are the advantages of networking?
Answer – Some of the advantages associated with networking are:
Data Sharing: One of the most important uses of networking is to allow the sharing of data. Users can send text files, spread sheets, documents, presentations, audio files, video files, etc. to other users.
Hardware Sharing: Hardware components such as printers, scanners, etc. can also be shared. For example, instead of purchasing 10 printers for each user, one printer can be purchased and shared among multiple users thus saving cost.
Internet Access Sharing: You can purchase a single Internet connection and share it among other computers in a network instead of purchasing multiple Internet connection for each computer. This is very commonly found in Internet café (browsing centres), schools, colleges, companies, etc.
Usage of network based applications: Such as web browsers, email clients, chat application, audio & video calling, etc. is another advantage.

Q3 - What are the different types of networking?
Answer – There are two major types of network Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN).
Local Area Network
A local area network (LAN) is one which connects computers and devices in a limited geographical area such as home, school, computer laboratory, office building, or closely positioned group of buildings.
Usually local area networks offer very high speeds and are used for connecting computers and peripherals such as printers, scanners, etc.
Wide Area Network
A wide area network (WAN) is one which covers a broad area (i.e., any network that links across metropolitan, regional, or national boundaries). The Internet is the most popular WAN, and is used by businesses, governments, non-profit organizations, individual consumers, artists, entertainers, and many others.

Q4 - Explain LAN and WAN.
Answer – Local Area Network
A local area network (LAN) is one which connects computers and devices in a limited geographical area such as home, school, computer laboratory, office building, or closely positioned group of buildings. Usually local area networks offer very high speeds and are used for connecting computers and peripherals such as printers, scanners, etc.

Wide Area Network
A wide area network (WAN) is one which covers a broad area (i.e., any network that links across metropolitan, regional, or national boundaries). The Internet is the most popular WAN, and is used by businesses, governments, non-profit organizations, individual consumers, artists, entertainers, and many others.

1. Instant messaging (IM) is a form of communication over the Internet that offers an instantaneous transmission of text-based messages from sender to receiver.
2. Microphones, Headsets, Speakers & Web Camera are required for audio and video conferencing.

Q1 - List any five application based instant messaging software.
Answer - Application based instant messaging software is downloaded and installed on user’s computer. Some of the popular instant messaging software are:
1. Google Talk
2. Yahoo! Messenger
3. Skype
4. Windows Live Messenger
5. Rediff Bol

Q2 - What do you mean by instant messages?
Answer - Instant messaging (IM) is a form of communication over the Internet that offers an instantaneous transmission of text-based messages from sender to receiver.
Most instant messaging software include the option for performing file transfers, audio chat, video calling and conferencing, sharing desktops, etc. apart from standard text chat.
Instant messaging software is widely used for personal and commercial use.

Q1 - State any 03 rules and etiquettes to be followed while chatting on the Internet.
Answer - There are some general rules and etiquettes to be followed while chatting. They are almost the same as those that apply for emails.
1. Messages should be short and to the point.
2. Always introduce yourself by name if your screen name doesn’t reflect it.
3. Always ask if the other person has time to chat first - regardless of how important you think what you have to say is, it’s not going to be well received if the recipient is busy.
4. In a business environment, know exactly what you want to discuss.
5. Typing your messages in uppercase is extremely rude - it’s considered shouting and very aggressive.
6. Give people time to respond - Multiple questions sent to a recipient before they’ve had a chance to answer can seem more like an interrogation rather than a conversation.
7. Wherever possible, give the person you are communicating with your undivided attention. It’s not just a sign of respect, but if you have multiple conversations happening or are allowing other issues to distract you, you may miss an important point in the other person’s messages or lose the gist of the conversation.
8. It’s important to properly end an IM conversation - you may think the chat is over, but the other person may not. While you’re off doing other things, they may be sitting there staring at the screen waiting for further communication from you!!

Q2 - What are the basic needs to use instant messaging (chat) softwares.
Answer – Before, start using Yahoo! Messenger, a Yahoo Mail account is required. If you don’t have a Yahoo! Mail Account already you can use the built in option for creating a new Yahoo! Mail Account.
You should a list of contacts that are available for chat. If you don’t have any contacts, you can add their Yahoo Mail account to your contact list by sending an invite.

Q1 - Explain the purpose of a blog.
Answer – A blog is a discussion style site used by non-technical (or technical users) users for creating personal web pages.
Blogs are similar to an online personal diary and simple to use.
We can use a blog to convey messages about events, announcements, news, reviews, etc. Blogs are usually managed using a web browser and this requires active internet connection.

Q2 - List any 5 websites that provide blog service.
Answer – There are hundreds of websites that offer blog service for free. Some of the popular blogs include:
Q3 - Difference between web page and website.
Answer – Web page and Website are relevant but distinct words.
A web page can be considered as a single entity whereas a website is a combination of web pages. Web pages are accessed through a browser while in website HTTP, and DNS protocols are used to access it.


Q1 - Explain the purpose of an offline blog editor.
Answer - If we do not have an active internet connection, we can create blogs using a blog application and publish the blog whenever internet connectivity is available.

Q2 - List any five offline blog editors.
Answer - There are several free offline blog editors available that can be downloaded and installed on the local computer such as
1. Qumana
2. Windows Live Writer
3. Blogdesk
4. MarsEdit
5. BlogJet
6. Blogo

Q1 - Explain the purpose of online transactions.
Answer - Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce where customers can buy or sell goods over the Internet. Customers need to have an active internet connection for viewing goods or services offered by a seller.
Customers can pay online using a credit, debit card or by internet banking.
Online shopping could be useful in situations when:
• A customer does not have sufficient time to visit stores.
• Visiting a store is more expensive than purchasing a product online.
• A product or service that is not available in the local market is available online.
Q2 - List any five websites that allow online transactions.
Answer - Some of the popular online transaction websites are:
1. IRCTC, an online portal for booking flight and train tickets.
2. Flipkart, an online shopping portal for buying consumer products.
3. EBay, an online portal for buying and selling goods.
4. Redbus, an online portal for booking bus tickets.
5. Paytm, an online portal for recharge and paying bills.
Q3 - List any three payment tools to use online transactions.
Answer - To perform an online transaction, all you need is a web browser and an active internet connection.
In some cases where purchasing is involved, you will need a valid credit card, debit card or online banking support referred to as Net Banking Subscription. Some websites even allow COD (Cash on delivery) where the users can pay once they receive the product or service.


Q1 - Explain the purpose of Internet Security.
Answer - Internet security is a branch of computer security specifically related to the Internet, often involving browser security but also network security. Its objective is to establish rules and measures to use against attacks over the Internet. The Internet represents an insecure channel for exchanging information leading to a high risk of intrusion or fraud, such as phishing.
Q2 - Explain different kinds of online threats.
Answer - Online threats such as Phishing, email spoofing, chat spoofing, etc. can increase the chances of users getting compromised.
Phishing –
Email Spoofing –
Chat Spoofing –

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