March 13, 2021

Information TechnologyUNIT 4 - Word Processing (Class-IX Notes)UNIT – 4WORD PROCESSING

Information Technology
UNIT 4 - Word Processing 
(Class-IX Notes)

UNIT – 4
Q1. What is Word Processing? Name some Word Processing softwares.
Ans. Word Processors are used to write documents such as articles, letter, resume, report, poem and also making posters. They can help to:-
Ø Correct any spelling mistakes
Ø Edit the document
Ø Print the document
Ø Change the appearance of different portions of the document
Ø Insert header & footer, page numbers, pictures or images in the document
Ø Present information in a tabular form and many more
Some of the most popular Word Processing software are:-
Ø Open Office Writer
Ø MS- Word
Ø Notepad
Ø Google documents

Q.2 Write the steps to Open MS Word ?
A. The Steps are as follows:
1. Click on Start.
2. Click on All Programs
3. Click on Microsoft Office
4. Click on Microsoft Word.

Q.3 Write the steps to Save a Document?
A. The Steps are as follows:
1. Click on Office Button / File Menu
2. Click on Save
3. A Dialog Box appears
4. Type the name of the file and set the location
5. Click on Save.

Q.4 Write the steps to Open a Document?
A. The Steps are as follows:
1. Click on Office Button / File Menu
2. Click on Open
3. A Dialog Box appears
4. Open the location and Click on the file name
5. Click on Open

Q.5 Write the steps to close a Document?
A. The Steps are as follows:
1. Click on Office Button / File Menu
2. Click on Close.

Q.6 Write the short cuts for the following:-
1. Create a New Document:- Ctrl +N
2. Save a Document:- Ctrl + S
3. Open a Document:- Ctrl + O
4. Close a Document:- Alt + F4

Q.7 What is the difference between Save and Save As Option available in MS Word ?
A. If we save a file using File Menu -> Save, the previous file is overwritten and new changes will reflect in the existing file only.
But if we save a file using File Menu -> Save As, the previous file will not be replaced and a new file will be created with a new name.

Q. 8 Write the steps to use the Save As option ?
A. The steps are as follows:-
1. Click on Office button / File Menu
2. Click on Save As Option
3. A Dialog Box Appears
4. Type the new name and select the new location.
5. Click on Save.

Q.9 What is GUI?
A. GUI is a type of user interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices using images rather than text commands. This type of interface have graphical symbols or icon in the Ribbon.

Q.10 Name the Eight tabs and their groups.
1. Home Tab:- Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Styles, Editing
2. Insert:- Pages, Tables, Illustrations, Links, Header & Footer, Text
3. Page Layout:- Themes, Page Setup, Page Background, Paragraph, Arrange
4. References:- Table of Contents, Footnotes, Citations, & Bibilography, Captions, Index, Table of Authorities
5. Mailings:- Create, Start Mail Merge, Write & Insert Fields, Preview Results, Finish
6. Review:- Proofing, Comments, Tracking, Changes, Compare, Protect
7. View:- Document View, Show/Hide, Zoom, Window, Macros.

Q.11 Describe Home Tab in detail?
A. The Home Tab contains commands for formatting of text, drawing of objects, editing content of documents such as copy and paste. The features of Home Tab are as follows:-
1. The Clipboard group contains commands to cut, copy and paste text. The format painter is also available here.
2. Font group command allows change of the Font-font face, size, style etc.
3. Paragraph group is used to change settings of the paragraph such as alignments, indents, spacing etc.
4. The Styles group allows to choose a style and change the style.
5. Editing group contains command to select, find and replace text.

Q. 12 Write the steps to Bold, Italics and Underline the text ?
A. For using the features of Bold, Italics and Underline the text,
Click on B, I, U option available under Font group of Home Tab.
Short cuts
Bold:- Ctrl + B
Italics:- Ctrl + I
Underline:- Ctrl + U.

Q.13 Write the steps to use Check Spelling/Grammar Feature?
A. Check Spelling Feature is a feature in MS Word that automatically checks the spellings & grammar and helps the users to create flawless documents.
Steps to use Check Spelling/Grammar Feature
1. Click on the Review tab on the Ribbon.
2. Click on the option Spelling & Grammar in the Proofing group.
3. The Spelling & Grammar dialog box appears.
4. The suggestions of correct spellings are shown in the box.
1. Position the cursor on the misspelt word.
2. Right-click the mouse.
3. A pop-up menu box appears.
4. The correct spelled word is shown on the top of the box and the spelling will be corrected automatically in the text.
Short Cut :- Press F7 key

Q14. What is the use of Thesaurus option in word?
A. A word processor helps us to look up synonyms and antonyms in the thesaurus option.

Q15. Write the steps to use the Thesaurus option?
A. Steps to use Thesaurus Option are :-
1. Select the word
2. Click on the Review tab
3. Click on Thesaurus option in the proofing group
4. A box opens up on the right side of the screen. This is called Research task pane. It contains the synonyms and antonyms of the selected word.
5. Right click on the selected word and click in Insert. It will replace the original word.

Q16. What is the difference between Copy and Paste option and Cut and Paste Option ?
A. Copy and Paste:- The original set of text remains where it was and it is also pasted to another place in the document.
Cut and Paste:- The original set of texts gets deleted and it pasted to another place in the document.

Q17. What is clipboard?
A. The clipboard is a temporary short-term data storage area in your computer where the text is temporarily placed.

Q18. Write the steps to Cut-Paste and Copy-Paste?
A. Steps to Cut-Paste are as follows:-
1. Select the word that is to be copied.
2. Right click the mouse anywhere on the selected text. A pop-up menu appears. Click on Cut.
3. Click at the position where you want to paste the text.
4. Right-click, then click paste from the pop-up menu.
The selected text is copied to the new location.
Steps to Copy-Paste are as follows:-
1. Select the word that is to be copied.
2. Right click the mouse anywhere on the selected text. A pop-up menu appears. Click on Copy.
3. Click at the position where you want to paste the text.
4. Right-click, then click paste from the pop-up menu.
The selected text is copied to the new location.

Q19. What is the use of Find and Replace Feature of word processor.
A. Find and Replace feature helps us to find all the occurrences of a specific word or group of words in a document and also replace them with a new word or a group of words.

Q20. Write the steps to Find and Replace Feature?
A. Steps to use Find and Replace Feature are as follows:
1. Click Find in the Home tab, Editing group.
2. A Find and Replace dialog box appears.
3. To just find the word, click Find. Enter text you want to search in the Find what box, click Find Next. To find all the occurrences of the word, click Find in, then click Main document.
4. To find and replace, click Replace tab. Enter text to find in Find what. Enter text to replace in Replace with.
5. Choose the action to be taken by clicking on – Replace, Replace All.

Q21. Write the steps to create a list using numbers or bullets?
A. Steps to create list using numbers or bullets are as follows:
1. Select the text.
2. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Bullets icon. The bullets will appear at the beginning of each sentence.

Q22. When it is better to use bullets than numbers ?
A. We Use numbered lists when we are working with instructions to be done in a sequence ie.,steps to be followed, and the numbers suggests a hierarchy. If numbers aren’t essential, use bullets.

Q23. When to capitalize the first letter in a bulleted item?
A. In most cases, it is recommended that you start each bulleted item with a capital letter for the sake of a good presentation.

Q24. What is Font ?
A. Font refers to the style of writing i.e., how the characters look in the document. The look of characters can be changed using the Font face(name), Font Size and Font Color.

Q25. What is Alignment?
A. Alignment determines the appearance and orientation of the edges of the paragraph. The different types of alignment are –
1. Left Alignment :- Aligned the text evenly along the left margins.
2. Right Alignment :- Aligned the text evenly along the right margins.
3. Centre Alignment :- Aligned the text evenly with the centre of the page.
4. Justified Alignment :- Aligned the text evenly with both left and right margins.

Q26. What are the different views of a document?
A. Word Processor provides options to work on a document in different formats / layouts which gives a different look to the document. The different layouts are:-
1. Print Layout
2. Full Screen Reading
3. Web Layout
4. Outline
5. Draft

Q27. Explain the different views of a Word document.
1. Print Layout: It is the default document view setting. User will able to see how the document will look when it gets printed.
2. Full Screen Reading: This view provides the maximum space available for reading the document. It hides the ribbon and view the document in two (side by side) frames similar to a book.
3. Web Layout: It shows how the document will appear in the web browser. In this view the document looks like a web page.
4. Outline: This view displays the document as an outline and shows only the headings present in the document like an index of the book. It is useful when the document has large number of pages and sections.
5. Draft: This view is used for quick editing of the document. It is useful for proof reading of the document.

Q28. What is a Hard Copy and Soft Copy ?
A. In IT, a document saved on the computer is called a Soft Copy and one that is printed is called Hard Copy.

Q29. Write the steps to Print a Document?
A. The steps to print a document are as follows:
1. Click File -> Print. A print dialog box appears with multiple settings. Make desired settings and print the page.

Q30. Explain the different settings available in the Print Dialog Box.
A. The different settings available in Print Dialog Box are as follows:-
1. Print Range:- It includes 4 options- All for printing whole document. Current Page for printing the page on which the cursor is currently placed. Selection for printing the selected text. Pages for printing the selected page numbers.
2. Copies:- for Selecting the number of copies of the document to be printed.
3. Properties:- for setting advanced properties.

Q31. What is a Table?
A. A table is an arrangement of rows and columns. It helps you to present information in an organized form.

Q32. Write steps to insert a table in a word document.
1. Select the Insert tab. Select Table from the Tables group. An Insert Table drop down menu appears.
2. Drag your mouse to the desired number of rows and columns and click the left button of the mouse.
3. An empty table having the selected number of rows and columns is inserted in the document.

Q33. Write steps to format a table.
1. Click anywhere on the table. A Design tab and Layout tab appear in the ribbon.
2. Click on the Design tab. Different styles and options for formatting will appear.
3. Using the options available in Design tab, you can format the table.

Q34. Write steps to change Layout of a table.
1. Click anywhere on the table. A Design tab and Layout tab appear in the ribbon.
2. Click on the Layout tab. Different options will appear to change the Layout.
3. Using the options available in Layout tab, you can change the Layout of the table.

Q35. Write steps to convert text to table and table to text.
A. [While typing text, use comma between data to indicate where you want to divide text into columns and use paragraph marks(Press Enter Key) to indicate where you want to begin a new row]
Steps to convert text to table:-
1. Select the text that you want to convert from the document.
2. On the Insert tab, in the Tables group, click Table, and then click Convert Text to Table.
3. A convert text to table dialog box appears. In the dialog box, under Separate text at, click the options for separate character that is in your text (commas in this case)
4. In the Number of columns box, check the number of columns.
5. Select any other options that you want. Click on OK button.
Steps to convert table to text:-
1. Select the entire table.
2. Click on convert to text option in Data group under Layout tab of Table Tools.
3. A convert table to text dialog box opens. Choose any Separate text with option.
4. Click OK.

Q36. Write steps to add border to a page or a paragraph/text
A. Steps to add border to a page or paragraph/text are:-
1. Click on Page Borders option in the Page Background group on Page Layout tab. A Borders and Shading dialog box appears.
2. In the dialog box, do one of the following
Ø To add a paragraph or text border, click the Borders tab.
Ø To add a page border, click the Page Border tab. This tab has three sections.
o In the left most section, under setting, select the type of border you want.
o In the center section, you can modify the line style, border color and width. You can even click Art to add a design to a page border.
3. Check Preview to see how the border will look.
4. Click OK.

Q37. Write steps to add shading to pages, paragraphs and text.
1. On the Page Layout tab in the Page Background group, click Page borders. A Borders and Shading dialog box appears.
2. Click on the tab Shading.
3. There are three options under Shading tab.
a. Fill: By clicking on the down arrow, a colour palette is displayed. Choose the desired colour shading.
b. Style: This option allows the changes in darkness of the shading and also different patterns of shading.
c. Apply to:By clicking on the down arrow, you can choose if you want to shade only the selected text or the entire paragraph.

Q38.What is Margin? How do we set the margin?
A. Page margins are the blank space around the edges of the page. You can position some items in the margins such as headers, footers, page numbers etc. A document has top, bottom, left and right margins.
Steps to adjust/change margin are:-
1. Select the Page Layout tab.
2. Click on Margins in the Page Setup group. A Margins drop down list appears.
3. Select any one of the options shown, Narrow, Moderate, Wide or Mirrored OR click on the Custom Margins... option to set the customise margin.

Q39. What are the two types of Page Orientation? How do we change the page orientation?
A. The Two types of Page orientation are:-
            1. Portrait:- means that the page is taller than it is wider.
            2. Landscape:- means that the page wider than it is taller.
Steps to change the page orientation:-
1. Click on Page Layout tab
2. Click on the Orientation button. This will give you two options: Portrait and Landscape.
3. To change the orientation, click on the desired orientation icon.

Q40. What is Print Preview? Write steps to check Print Preview.
A. Print Preview enables you to see what the document will look like when it is printed.
Steps to check Print Preview:-
1. Select File-> Print-> Print Preview option.
2. A Print Preview tab opens. A sample Print Preview of the page displays.

Q41. What are tabs? How do we set tabs?
A. Tabs are often used to format documents. Different types of tabs are:-
1. A Left Tab stop – sets the start position of text that will then run to the right as you type.
2. A Centre Tab stop – sets the position of the middle of the text. The text centers on this position as you type.
3. A Right Tab stop – sets the right end of the text. As you type the text moves left.
To set Tabs, do the following:-
1. Click the tab selector at the left end of the ruler until it displays the type of tab that you want.
2. Click the ruler at the location you want. 

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