March 17, 2021

Essay on National Festivals of India 3 Essay (600 Words, 400 Words & 250 Words)

Essay 2 (400 Words) - National Festivals of India and their Importance


National festivals are the ones that are celebrated by the people of all the religion, culture, and state together, with unity. People from different religions and places celebrate these festivals with loyalty to the nation in their hearts. There are three main national festivals of India that we will know in this essay.

Three Main National Festivals of India

Though there are thousands of religious and cultural festivals celebrated in India, but they are only celebrated in a particular region by some close groups. National festivals, on the other hand, are celebrated by all the religious and cultural communities of India. These festivals are celebrated by everyone with just nationalism and patriotism in their hearts. There are three national festivals celebrated every year in India. They are the Independence Day celebrated on 15th August; Republic Day celebrated on 26th January and Gandhi Jayanti celebrated on 2nd October.

Why are National Festivals Important

India is a diverse country with four major religions, different cultures, and hundreds of ethnic languages. People live in such diverse circumstances, yet they live in unity and harmony. The people of India, despite their differences, understand the significance of unity and freedom.

The national festivals reinstate the sense of nationalism, togetherness, and patriotism, in the people, year after year. This is in fact the most important significance of national festivals. They infuse a sense of unity and belongingness in everyone. Celebrating national festivals reaffirms the faith of people in their motherland and its heritage. The festivals also encourage the masses to promote unity as a prerequisite of democracy and growth.

Also, the festivals let people face to face with the glorious past of their country and people who have given their blood for independence. The people recognize their freedom fighters and acknowledge their sacrifice. People adorn the national flag with pride and sing the national anthem. They talk and discuss about the rich cultural heritage of the land and the importance of unity. These festivals are an occasion to remember the great freedom fighters of India and honor them.


National festivals reinstate the philosophy of ‘unity in diversity’ which is very important for a diverse land as India. These festivals are of immense importance and play a vital role in making India a thriving democracy; perhaps the largest in the world. It is our duty as the citizens of India to celebrate national festivals with enthusiasm and patriotic zeal.Short and Long Essays on National Festivals of India


Essay 3 (250 Words) - Indian National Festivals


There are three major national festivals celebrated in India. In this essay we will discuss the meaning of national festivals and how should we celebrate them.

What are National Festivals?

We all know that India is a land of festivals. It is said that every day a festival is celebrated in some part of the country, but these festivals are either religion centric or region-centric, that is they are only observed by people belonging to a particular region or religion.

National festivals on the other hand are those festivals that are celebrated by everyone. Every state, every Union Territory, state and central governments, etc celebrate them. People of different religions – Hindus, Muslims, Christians, and all, celebrate these festivals together. They forget their differences and celebrate these festivals with unity.

There are three main national festivals celebrated in India – Independence Day on 15th August; Republic Day on 26th January and Gandhi Jayanti on 2nd October.

How to Celebrate National Festivals

National festivals must be celebrated with unity and harmony. Pride for the nation and our values must be at the center of activities. National Flag and heritage must be preserved and respected. Children must be told about the significance of national festivals and the reason why they are celebrated.


National festivals are the backbone of democracy. They unite people and foster nationalism and patriotism among them. It is in the larger interest of the nation that these festivals be celebrated with unprecedented zeal by people from varied religions and cultures.

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