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Showing posts with label POLITICAL SCIENCE. Show all posts

November 27, 2022

Political science, ANSWERS OF CLASS 12, CHAPTER-4 Alternative Centers of Power PREPARED BY SUMAN KUMAR JHA

Class 12 Political Science
Chapter 4 Alternative Centers of Power


1. Arrange the following in chronological order:
(a) China’s accession to WTO
(b) Establishment of the EEC
(c) Establishment of 
the EU
(d) Birth of ARF
Answer: (b) Establishment of the EEC – 1957
(c) Establishment of the EU – 1992
(d) Birth of ARF – 1994
(a) China’s accession to WTO

(a) Reflects the lifestyle of ASEAN members.
(b) A form of interaction among ASEAN members that is informal and cooperative.
(c) The defense policy followed by the ASEAN members.
(d) The road that connects all the ASEAN members.
Answer: (b) A form of interaction among ASEAN members that is informal and cooperative.

3. Who among the following adopted an ‘open door’ policy?
(a) China (b) EU
(c) Japan (d) USA
Answer: (a) China

4. Fill in the blanks:
(a) The border conflict between China and India in 1962 was principally over……..and……..region.
(b) ARF was established in the year……..
(c) China entered into bilateral relations with ………(a major country) in 1972.
(d) ………..plan influenced the establishment of the organisation for European Economic Cooperation in 1948.
(e)……….. is the organization of ASEAN that deals with security.
Answer: (a) Arunachal Pradesh, Aksai Chin,
(b) 1994, (c) the US, (d) Marshall,
(e) Asian Regional Forum.

5. What are the objectives of establishing regional organisations?
Answer: The regional organisations are established with the following objectives:
1. To make regional development at par the fast growing global economy.
2. To accelerate economic growth through the social progress and cultural development.
3. To promote regional peace and stability based on the rule of law and the principles of United Nations Charter.

6. How does the geographical proximity influence the formation of regional organisations?
Answer: The geographical proximity influences the formation of regional organisations because:
1. It is influenced by almost some historical enmities and weaknesses.
2. Sometimes the similar interests come together.
3. Even fruitful areas for regional economy are also the result of geographical proximity.

7. Wha.are the components of the ASEAN Visiong020?
Ans: The com10nents of ASEAN Vision 2020 can be summed up as follows:
1. An ou.ward looking role in internatioial community.
2. To encourage negotiations over conflicts in tie region.
3. To mediate tc end the conflicts i.e. Cambodian conflict, East Timor Crisis, annual discussion on East Asian Cooperatioi through meetings.

8. Name the pillars aid objectives of ASEAN community.
Answer: The ASEAN community established the following three pillars:
1. The ASEAN Security Community
2. The ASEAN Economic Community
3. The ASEAN Socio-cultural Community.
The objectives of ASEAN community are as follows:
1. Territorial disputes should not escalate into armed confrontations.
2. To accelerate economic growth through social progress and cultural development.
3. To promote regional peace and stability based on the rule of law and the principles of the United Nations Charter.
4. To establish dispute settlement mechanism to resolve economic disputes.
5. To create Free Trade Areas for investments, labour and services.

9. In what ways does the present Chinese economy differ from its command economy?
Answer: The present Chinese economy has adopted the ‘open door policy’ to generate higher productivity by investments of capital and technology. It differed from its command economy in the following manner:
1. It broke stagnancy of command economy.
2.Command economy lagged behind the industrial production but Chinese economy recovered it by privatisation of agriculture and industry.
3. The present Chinese economy established new trading laws and created Special Economic Zones leading higher rise in foreign trade. During Command economy the international trade was minimal and per capita income was very low.

10. How did the European countries resolve their Post Second World War problem? Briefly outline the attempts that led to the formation of the European Union.
Answer: After the end of Second World War in 1945, the European States confronted the ruin of their economies and the destruction of assumptions and structures on which Europe had been founded. European countries resolved their Post Second World War problems in the following manner:

1. Under the ‘Marshall Plan’ the USA provided financial help to revive European economy.
2. The US also created a new collective security structure under NATO.
3. Under the ‘Marshall Plan’ the organisation for European Economic Cooperation was established in 1948 to extend cooperation on trade and economic issues among the Western European States.
4. European Union was founded in 1992 for a common foreign and security policy, cooperation on justice and home affairs and creation of a single currency. It evolved from an economic union to political one over time.
The following attempts led to the formation of European Union:

1. The Council of Europe was established in 1949 for political cooperation.
2. The process of economic integration of European Capitalist countries led to the formation of European Economic Community in 1957.
3. The above mentioned processes acquired a political dimension with the creation of European Parliament.
4. The collapse of Soviet bloc put Europe on a fast track and resulted in the establishment of European Union in 1992.

11. What makes the European Union a highly influential regional organisation?
Answer: As a supernational organisation, the European Union bears economic, political diplomacy and military influence as a regional organisation in the following manner:
1. Economic Influence:
(а) Three times larger share in world trade than the US.
(b) Its currency Euro, can pose a threat to the dominance of the US dollar.
(c) The EU functions as an important bloc in the World Trade Organisation (WTO).
2. Political and Diplomatic Influences:
(a) Two members of the EU, Britain and France hold permanent seats in the Security Council to influence the UN policies.
(b) The EU also includes various non-permanent members of the UNSC.
(c) The European Union play an influential role in diplomacy and negotiations except the military force i.e. the EU’s dialogue with China on human rights and environmental degradation is remarkable.
3. Military Influence:
(o) The EU’s combined armed fo^fees are second largest in the world.
(b) Its total expenditure on military is second to the US.
(c) Its two important members— Britain and France also experience nuclear ascends of 550 nuclear warheads.
(d) The EU is world’s second most important source of space and communications technology.

12. The emerging economies of China and India have great potential to challenge the unipolar world. Do you agree with the statement? Substantiate your arguments.
Answer: The Indo-China relations experience strategically organised as rising economic powers in global politics and to play a major role in Asian economy after the end of Cold War. It can be proved on the following grounds:
1. The new economic policies of India and China have broken their economy from stagnancy.
2. The creation of special economic zones led to a phenomenal rise in foreign trade.
3. China has become the most important destination for foreign direct investment anywhere in the world. Hence, it has large reserves for foreign exchange to allow it to make big investment in other countries.
4. At the global level also, India and China have adopted similar policies in World Trade Organisation to deepen integration with the world economy to challenge unipolar world.

13. The peace and prosperity of countries lay in the establishment and strengthening of regional economic organisations. Justify this statement.
Answer: This statement represents the ASEAN Regional Forum and the European Union, where ASEAN Regional Forum is based on the notion not to escalate territorial disputes into armed confrontation:
1. The ASEAN is rapidly growing as a regional organisation with the Vision 2020 including an outward looking role in international community and to encourage negotiations over conflicts in the region.
2. ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) maintains coordination of security and foreign policy.
3. The EU has also been funded on the ground of common foreign and security policy, cooperation on justice and home affairs.
4. The European Union has also extended cooperation while acquiring new members especially from Soviet bloc.

14. Identify the contentious issues between China and India. How could these be resolved for greater cooperation? Give your suggestions.
Answer: The relations with China experience friendly gestures from India as India signed popular ‘Panchsheel’ to develop Indo-China relations in 1954 and advocated China’s membership to the United Nations. Still, after 1957, various contentious issues arose in Indo-China relations:
1. In 1962, military conflict over a border dispute of MacMohan Line resulted on unwarranted claim by China which now lie in Arunachal Pradesh and Aksai Chin region of Ladakh.
2. Differences arose from Chinese take over of Tibet in 1950 which was protested by India against China.
3. After Panchsheel, attack by China on India in 1962, to occupy larger territories of India, created humiliation.
4. China’s assistance to Pakistan’s nuclear programme also created differences.
5. China’s military relations with Bangladesh and Myanmar were viewed as hostile to Indian interests.
All the above mentioned differences/ disputes could be resolved for greater cooperation-
1. Both the countries should make some more efforts to revive harmonious attitude between themselves.
2. Both the countries should move hand-in-hand to fight against terrorism, nuclear race and economic disparities.
3. Both the countries should develop understanding and respect.
4. Hence, both of them have signed agreements on cultural exchange and cooperation in science and technology.


Very Short Answer Type Questions [ 1 Mark]
1. What is meant by ‘ASEAN WAT?
Answer: ‘ASEAN WAY’ is an interaction that is informal, confrontationist and cooperative to promote supernational structures in the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN).

2. Correct the following statement and rewrite ASEAN stands for Association of South East African Nations.
What does ASEAN stand for?
Answer: ASEAN stands for Association of South East Asian Nations.

3. In which year the European Union was established?
Answer: 1992

4. What is the common currency of EU?
Answer: EURO

5. Name any two older members of EU.
Answer: Austria and Denmark

6. Name any two new members of EU.
Answer: Estonia and Poland.

7. What does the circle with golden stars on the European Union flag stand for?
Answer: The circle with golden stars on the European Union flag stands for solidarity and harmony between the people of Europe.

8. Mention the major challenges faced in Europe after Second World War.
Answer: 1. Shattered many assumptions and structures on which European states maintained their relations.
2. The European states confronted the ruin of economies and the destruction on which Europe had been founded.

9. What is European Union?
Answer: European Union is a group of European capitalist countries established in 1992 for common goal of foreign and security policy, cooperation and home affairs.

10. What was Marshall Plan?
Answer: Marshall Plan was introduced by America to provide financial help for revival of European economy.

11. Name two countries of European Union who opposed America’s Iraq invasion.
Answer: Germany and France.

12. What is ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF)?
Answer: ASEAN Regional Forum was established in 1994 to carry out coordination and foreign policy among ASEAN members.

13. What is the significance of ASEAN flag?
Answer: In the ASEAN logo, the ten stellas of paddy (rice) represent the ten South East Asian countries bound together in friendship and solidarity. The circle symbolises the unity of ASEAN.

14. When did China get independence?
Answer: 1949

15. What is SEZs (Special Economic Zones)?
Answer: Special Economic Zones are created to set up their own enterprises by foreign investors.

16. Mention the three pillars formed in ASEAN.
Answer: 1. The ASEAN Security Community
2. The ASEAN Economic Community
3. The ASEAN Socio-Cultural Com-munity.

Very Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
1. Which four common symbols make the European Union look like a nation state?
Answer: The European Union has its own flag, anthem, founding date and currency.

2. Mention any two steps taken by China to improve its economy.
Answer: 1. Special Economic Zones (SEZs) were created to invite foreign investors to set up their own enterprises.
2. The privatization of agriculture and industry in 1982 and 1998.

3. Mention the agreements signed between India and ASEAN.
Ans: 1. India signed Free Trade Areas (FTAs) with two ASEAN members, Singapore and Thailand.
2. India is trying to sign on FTA with ASEAN itself.

4. What are the odds which limit the ability of EU?
Answer: European Union is a supernational organisation but in many areas its member states have their own foreign relations and defence policies that are often at odds as-
1. British Prime Minister Tony Blair supported the US’s Iraq invasion and many new members made US led ‘coalition of willing’ while Germany and France opposed it.
2. Denmark and Sweden have resisted the Maastricht treaty and the adoption of the Euro.

5. “The European Union is a nation state more than a Economic Union”. Justify the statement. 
Ans: The European Union has now started to act more as a nation state because:
1. European Union has its own flag, anthem, founding date and common currency.
2. European Union bears common foreign and security policy.
3. The EU has made efforts to expand areas of cooperation while acquiring new members especially from Soviet bloc.

6. How can we say that ASEAN is an economic association?
Answer: To more extent it can be said that ASEAN is an economic association:
1. ASEAN Economic Community aims at to create open market and production based activities within ASEAN states.
2. ASEAN has created Free Trade Areas (FTAs) for investment, labour and services.
3. The current economic strength of ASEAN as a trading and investment partner to the growing Asian economies as India and China make this attractive proposition.

7. What are the objectives of ASEAN Economic Community? 
Answer: The objectives of ASEAN Economic Community are as follows:
1. To create common market and production based activities within ASEAN states.
2. To aid social and economic development.
3. To resolve economic disputes, the existing dispute settlement mechanism has been improved.
4. Free Trade Areas for investment, labour and services have also been created.

8. How do ASEAN members commit to uphold peace and neutrality?
Answer: ASEAN members commit to uphold peace and neutrality-
1. ASEAN security community is based on the conviction that territorial disputes should not escalate into armed confrontation.
2. By 2003, ASEAN had several agreements among members states to uphold peace, neutrality, cooperation, non-interference, respect for national differences and sovereign rights.
3. ASEAN Regional Forum was established in 1994 to coordinate security and foreign policy.

9. What are economic challenges of China despite its economic development?
Answer: Though the Chinese economy has improved dramatically, still everyone in China has not been benefitted by the reforms which can be judged by the following facts-
1. Unemployment has risen. About 100 million people are looking for jobs.
2. Female employment and conditions are bad as in Europe of 18th and 19th centuries.
3. Increasing environmental degradation and corruption.
4. Rising economic inequality between rural and urban residents.

10. How did relations improve after the conflict of 1962 between India and China?
Answer: Indo-China war of 1962 had complicated Indo-China relations. After 1976 the relations began to improve slowly because:
1. China’s policy became more pragmatic and less ideological due to change in China’s political leadership in the late 1970s when China got ready to settle the contentious issues.
2. A series of talks to resolve the border issues were also initiated to develop harmonious relations.

Short Answer Type Questions [4 Marks]
1. How has the European Union evolved over time from an economic union to an increasingly political one? 
Answer: The European Union has evolved over time from an economic union to an increasingly political one. The EU has started to act more as a nation state. While the attempts to have a constitution for the EU have failed, it has its own flag, anthem, founding date, and currency. It also has some form of a common foreign and security policy in its dealings with other nations. The European Union has tried to expand areas of cooperation while acquiring new members, especially from the erstwhile Soviet bloc. The process has not proved easy, for people in many countries are not very enthusiastic in giving the EU powers that were exercised by the government of their country. There are also reservations about including some new countries within the European Union.

2. Explain the political, diplomatic influence of European Union as a supernational organisation.
Answer: Political and Diplomatic Influences:
(a) Two members of the EU — Britain and France hold permanent seats in the Security Council to influence the UN policies.
(b) The EU also includes various non-permanent members of the UNSC.
(c) The European Union plays an influential role in diplomacy and negotiations except the military force
i. e. the EU’s dialogue with China on human rights and environmental degradation is remarkable.

3. What led to the evolution of the EU from an economic union to an increasingly political one?
Answer: The European Union has now started to act more as a nation state because-
(i) European Union has its own flag, anthem, founding date and common currency.
(ii) European Union bears common foreign and security policy.
(iii) The EU has made efforts to expand areas of cooperation while acquiring new members especially from Soviet bloc.

4. What are the objectives behind the formation of ASEAN?
Answer: The objectives behind the formation of ASEAN are as follows:
1. Territorial disputes should not escalate into armed confrontations.
2. To accelerate economic growth through social progress and cultural development.
3. To promote regional peace and stability based on the rule of law and the principles of United Nations
; charter.
4. To establish Dispute Settlement Mechanism to resolve economic disputes.
5. To create Free Trade Areas for investment, labour and services.

5. Describe any four significant characteristics of ASEAN.
Answer: 1. To create common market and production based activities within ASEAN States.
2. To aid social and economic development.
3. To resolve economic disputes, the existing dispute settlement mechanism has been improved.
4. Free Trade Areas for investment, labour and services have also been created.

6. What role has been played by European Union in solving the problems of the European countries?
Answer: 1. The EU functions as an important bloc in international organisation as World Trade Organisation to intervene in economic areas.
2. The EU has expanded areas of cooperation while acquiring new members especially from Soviet bloc.
3. The EU has an influential role in the UN policies because its two members—Britain and France hold permanent seats in the UN Security Council.
4. The EU is influential in the areas of diplomacy, economic investments and negotiation.

7. Why India and China both view themselves as rising powers in global politics in spite of tensions between them? Substantiate your answer by giving any four events that have brought cordiality in their relationship.
Answer: Due to Indian initiatives, Indo-China relations improved. In 1954, India signed famous Panchsheel starting a new era of Indo-China friendship. But after 1957 some contentious issues had been arisen between them:
(i) Tibet Problem
(ii) Border Issues
(iii) Chinese Attack in 1962
(iv) Chinese Assistance to Pakistan.
Gradually, both the countries came together to develop harmonious relations between themselves:
1. Attempt to normalise relations were restored by exchange of ambassadors.
2. Joint Working Group was set up by both the countries to resolve border dispute.
3. Both of them committed to reduce the forces on Indo-China border.
4. Indian and Chinese leadership and official visits with great frequency.
5. Increasing transportation and communication links, common economic interests and global concerns.

8. Why was European Union founded? What were its objectives and significance?
Answer: The European Union was founded in 1992 for a common foreign and security policy, cooperation on justice and home affairs and to create a single currency. Objectives:
1. The circle of gold stars on the flag stands for solidarity and harmony between European Union States.
2. To expand areas of co-operation while acquiring new members especially from Soviet bloc.

9. Why ASEAN was established?
Answer: ASEAN is the regional association to provide a political forum to discuss political and security concerns-
1. Before and during the Second World War, the southeastern region of Asia suffered the economic and political consequences of repeated colonialism, both European and Japanese.
2. At the end of war it confronted problems of nation building, the progress of poverty and economic backwardness and the pressure to align with one great power or another during cold war.

10. “China has emerged as third alternative to world power”. Examine.
Answer: China emerged as the third alternative to world power since its economic reforms of 1978 as China has been the fastest growing economy since the reforms first began there-
1. China is projected to overtake the US as the world’s largest economy by 2040.
2. Its economic integration into the region makes it drive of East Asian growth.
3. Its strength of economy are population, landmass, resources, regional location, political influence, added to its power.

11. How did China end its political and economic isolation?
Answer: China had adopted Soviet model of economy. Despite development, China faced economic crisis as industrial production was not growing fast, international trade was minimal. Under these situations some major policy decisions were taken-
1. China established relations with the US in 1972.
2. China proposed four areas of modernization as agriculture, industry, science and technology in 1973.
3. Open door policy was introduced to generate higher productivity by investment of capital and technology from abroad.
4. Privatisation of agriculture and industry in 1982 and 1998.
5. China set Special Economic Zones to remove trade barriers.

12. “Chinese economy has been recognised at the global level”. Justify.
Answer: China has introduced open market economy which is moving China towards global economy due to following facts-
1. The integration of Chinese-economy and interdependencies has enabled China to have considerable influence with its trade partners.
2. The open door policy has stabilised the ASEAN economy.
3. China’s outward looking for investment and aid policies in Latin America and Africa are protecting China as a global player.

Passage Based Questions [5 Marks]
1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions:
ASEAN was and still remains principally an economic association. While the ASEAN region as a whole is a much smaller economy compared to the US the EU, and Japan, its economy is growing much faster than all these. This accounts for the growth in its influence both in the region and beyond. The objectives of the ASEAN Economic Community are to create a common market and production base within ASEAN States and to aid social and economic development in the region. The Economic Community would also like to improve the existing ASEAN Dispute Settlement Mechanism to resolve economic disputes. ASEAN has focused on creating a Free Trade Area (FTA) for investment, labour, and services. The US and China have already moved fast to negotiate FTAs with ASEAN.

1. What is the objective of ASEAN Economic Community?
2. Why did ASEAN establish Free Trade Areas (FTAs)?
3. How ASEAN Economic Community would resolve economic disputes?
4. Which countries have already moved fast to negotiate FTAs with ASEAN and why?
1. To create common market and production based activities within ASEAN states itself and to aid social and economic development.
2. Free Trade Areas have been established for investment, labour and services.
3. By improving the existing ASEAN Dispute Settlement Mechanism.
4. ASEAN is rapidly growing into areas of regional organisation with its Vision 2020.

2. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions:
The conflict of 1962, in which India suffered military reverses, had long-term implications for India-China relations. Diplomatic relations between the two countries were downgraded until 1976. Thereafter, relltions between the two countries began to improve slowly. After the change in China’s political leadership from the mid to late 1970s, China’s policy became more pragmatic and less ideological. So it was prepared to, put off the settlement of contentious issues while improving relations with India. A series of talks to resolve the border issue were also initiated in 1981.

1. Why did India suffer military reverses as a result of conflict of 1962?
2. When did the relations between India and China begin to improve?
3. What was the change in the policy of China in the seventies?
4. Which efforts were made to resolve the border issues between India and China?
1. Due to territorial claims principally in Arunachal Pradesh and Aksai Chin region of Ladakh.
2. From the mid to late 1970s.
3. China’s policy became more pragmatic and less ideological in the seventies.
4. 1. It prepared to put off settlements
of contentious issues.
2. A series of talks to resolve the border issues were initiated in 1981.

Long Answer Type Questions [6 Marks]
1. How did China rise to be an economic superpower? Assess.
Answer: China had adopted Soviet model of economy. Despite development, China faced economic crisis as industrial production was not growing fast, international trade was minimal. Under these situations some major policy decisions were taken-
1. China established relations with the US in 1972.
2. China proposed four areas of modernisation as agriculture, industry, science and technology in 1973.
3. Open door policy was introduced to generate higher productivity by investment of capital and technology from abroad.
4. Privatisation of agriculture and industry in 1982 and 1998.
5. China set Special Economic Zones to remove trade barriers.
6. The integration of Chinese economy and inter-dependencies has enabled China to have considerable influence with its trade partners.
7. The open door policy has stabilised the ASEAN economy.
8. China’s outward looking for investment and aid policies in Latin America and Africa are projecting China as a global player.

2. Why is the EU considered a highly influential regional organisation in the economic, political and military fields?
Answer: Because-
1. Economic Influence:
(a) Three times larger share in World trade than the US.
(b) Its currency Euro can pose a threat to the dominance of US Dollar.
(c) The EU functions as an important bloc in World Trade Organisation (WTO).
2. Political Influence:
(а) Two members of the EU, Britain and France hold permanent seats in Security Council to influence UN policies.
(b) The EU also includes various non-permanent members of UNSC.
(c) The European Union plays an influential role in diplomacy and negotiations except military force i.e. EU’s dialogue with China on Human Rights and environmental degradation is remarkable.
3. Military Influence:
(a) The EU’s combined armed forces are second largest in world.
(b) Its total military expenditure is second to the US.
(c) Its two important members— Britain and France also experience nuclear arsenals of 550 nuclear warheads.
(d) The EU is world’s second most important source of space and communication technology.

3. Discuss Indo-China relations.
Answer: The relations with China experienced friendly gestures from India as India signed popular ‘Panchsheel’ to develop Indo-China relations in 1954 and advocated China’s membership to the United Nations still, after 1957, various contentious issues arose in Indo-China relations-
1. In 1962, military conflict over a border dispute of MacMohan Line resulted an unwarranted claim by China which lies now in Arunachal Pradesh and Aksai Chin regions of Ladakh.
2. Differences arose from Chinese take over of Tibet in 1950 which was protested by India against China.
3. After Panchsheel, attack by China on India in 1962, to occupy larger territories of India, created a humiliation.
4. China’s assistance to Pakistan’s nuclear programme also created differences.
5. China’s military relations with Bangladesh and Myanmar were viewed as hostile to Indian interests.
All the above mentioned differences/ disputes could be resolved for greater cooperation.
1. Both the countries should make some more efforts to revive harmonious attitude between themselves.
2. Both the countries should move hand-in-hand to fight against terrorism, nuclear race and economic disparities.
3. Both the countries should develop mutual understanding and respect.
4. Hence, both of them have signed agreements on cultural exchange and cooperation in science and technology.

Picture/Map Based Questions [5 Marks]
A1. Study the picture given below and answer the questions that follow:
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Political Science Alternative Centres of Power Picture Based Questions Q1

1. The given cartoon is related to which country?
2. Which two symbols in this cartoon helped in identifying the country?
3. What message does this cartoon convey to the world?
1. This cartoon is related to China.
2. The Dragon and the Great Wall helped in identifying the country.
3. This cartoon conveys a message to the world that China is emerging as a great economic power.

2. Study the picture given below and answer the questions that follow:
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Political Science Alternative Centres of Power Picture Based Questions Q2

1. What does the cartoon represent?
2. Name the policy that is being represented in the cartoon.
3. What does the ‘Competition’ refer to in the cartoon?
4. “We’ll have to get used to it”. What does it denote?
1. India’s policy towards ASEAN.
2. ‘Look East’ Policy since 1991 to interact with ASEAN, China, Japan and South Korea.
3. Competition among various countries to develop potential relations with ASEAN.
4. It denotes India’s strategy towards using free trade areas with ASEAN

B. On a political outline map of world locate and label the following and symbolise them as indicated:
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Political Science Alternative Centres of Power Map Based Questions

1. An older member of EU between Portugal and France. Symbolise (A)
2. An older member near Belgium and Netherlands. Symbolise (B)
3. The four new members of EU. Symbolise 1, 2, 3, 4.
4. Four old members of EU. Symbolise 5, 6, 7, 8.
1. Spain
2. Germany
3. 1. Estonia 2. Poland
3. Hungary 4. Lithuania
4. 5. Finland 6. Denmark
7. Austria 8. Ireland

Class 12 Political Science Chapter 3 US Hegemony in World Politics PREPARED BY SUMAN KUMAR JHA

Class 12 Political Science

Chapter 3 US Hegemony in World Politics


1. Which among the following statements
about hegemony is incorrect?
(a) The word implies the leadership or predominance of one State.
(b) It was used to denote the predominance of Athens in ancient Greece.
(c) The country having hegemonic position will possess unchallenged military power.
(d) Hegemonic position is fixed. Once a hegemon, always a hegemon.
Answer: (d) Hegemonic position is fixed. Once a hegemon, always a hegemon.2. Which among the following statements is wrong about the contemporary world order?
(a) There is an absence of world government, which could regulate the State’s behaviour.
(b) The US is the predominant player in world affairs.
(c) States are using force against one another.
(d) States, which violate international law, are severely punished by the UN.
Answer: (c) States are using force against one another.

3. Which among the following statements is wrong with regard to Operation Iraqi Freedom?
(a) More than forty countries joined in the US led coalition of the willing to invade Iraq.
(b) The reason given for invading Iraq was to prevent it from developing weapons of mass destruction.
(c) The action was taken with the prior approval of the UN.
(d) The US-led coalition did not face major resistance from Iraqi forces.
Answer: (c) The action was taken with the prior approval of the UN.

4. Give an example each of the three types of hegemony that are dealt within the chapter. Do not cite examples that are in the chapter.
Answer: 1. Hegemony as Hard Power:
Tabasum was an artist living in Nigeria and was planning to join Art and Craft Academy to give proficiency to her artistic aptitude. But she lost her leg in 2003 missile attack by the US. After she overcame it, she made efforts to achieve and fulfill her dreams if the foreign armies leave her country.
2. Hegemony as Structural Power: Tabish is very good in his studies in the countryside of Middle East Asia and is planning to study subjects from Arts stream to accommodate himself in different aspects as per requirements. But parents want him to be a master in computers to become Software Engineer due to flair for job opportunities in the same.
3. Hegemony as Soft Power: Mayank is a young and energetic man of Melbourne, immigrants from Russia. His father gets upset when he puts on black shirt with white jeans while he goes to church. He justifies that black colour signifies protest for freedom and white signifies freedom in a peaceful manner.

5. Mention three ways in which US dominance since the Cold War is different from its position as a superpower during the Cold War.
Answer: 1. During Cold War, the US found it difficult to win over the Soviet Union as hard power due to retaliating capacity of the Soviet Union and to protest world from large scale destruction. But in the areas of structural and soft power, the US dominated.
2. During Cold War years, the Soviet Union provided an alternate model of socialist economy to maximise welfare of states. Still the world economy throughout the Cold War years adapted capitalist economy under the US.
3. In the area of soft power, the US became triumphant. As the example of blue jeans shows that the US could engineer a generational gap even in Soviet Society on culture basis.

6. Match the following:
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Political Science US Hegemony in World Politics Q6
Answer:(i)-(c); (ti)-(a); (iii)—(d); (iv)-(b)

7. what are the constraints on American hegemony today? Which one of these do you expect to get more important in the future?
Answer. “We can identify three constraints on American Power” which were actually not in operation in the years following 9/11. Hence the US could establish its hegemony. Recently all these constraints are slowly beginning to operate in the following ways:

1. The US bears institutional architecture in the American State itself. It refers division of powers between the three branches of government where American military’s executive branch can place significant brakes upon the unrestrained and immoderate exercise.
2. The second constraint on American hegemony emerges from open nature of American society. American society and suffering from a deep skepticism towards purposes and methods of government in America despite an imposition of particular perspectives on domestic opinion in the US. This is a huge constraint on US military action overseas.
3. The third constraint on US hegemony is the possession of NATO to moderate the exercise of the US hegemony today. The US has an enormous interest in keeping the alliance of democracies to follow the market economies alive and it may be possible to its allies in NATO to moderate the exercise of the US hegemony through their own liberal policies to fulfill their own ends.

8. Read the three extracts in the chapter from Lok Sabha debate on the Indo-US deal. Develop any one of these into a full speech defending a certain position on Indo-US relations.
Answer: The following speech has been developed based on the excerpts from Lok Sabha debate as presented by Major General (Retired) B.C. Khanduri of BJP:

Sir, I would respectfully draw the attention of august house towards the US hegemony in today’s scenario. But we should not ignore the fact that India might be next waiting in the wings to perform as a superpower to maintain its own identity. Moreover, hegemony can not stand forever due to its weaknesses. Therefore, we are supposed to have a good and harmonious relations with that of the US for mutual promotion of trade and technology. But India should not compromise from the same on the cost of its own security and identity.
Hence, India should work in a diplomatic manner while it thinks to go hand-in¬hand the US in such a manner that India could extract best benefits from the US hegemony and find out mutual options for itself.

9. “If big and resourceful states cannot resist the US hegemony, it is unrealistic to expect much smaller and weaker non-state actors to offer any resistance”. Examine this proposition and give your opinion.
Answer. This proposition focuses only on, the powers of the state and believes that only big and resourceful states can challenge the US hegemony which it approaches right in a practical manner, but if we think deeply these are thoughts and pens of writers, expressions of artists, media and intellectuals who have no boundaries including hegemony itself to be criticised and resisted in the form of non-government organisations (NGOs), social movements and public opinion. Hence, non-state actors may challenge the US hegemony also in their own way and it can work out also.


Very Short Answer Type Questions [1 Mark]
l.What is meant by ‘Hegemon/?
Answer: The term ‘Hegemony’ stands for an international system which is dominated by a sole superpower or hyper-power. The collapse of the Soviet Union left the world with only one single power, the United States of America.

2. What was first Gulf War?
Answer: A massive coalition force of 660,000 troops from 34 countries faught against
Iraq and defeated it in what came to be known as the First Gulf War.

3. What was ‘Operation Iraqi’ Freedom?
Answer: On 19 March 2003, the US launched its invasion of Iraqi under the codename ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom’. More than 40 other countries joined in the US coalition of the willing after the UN refused to give its mandate to the invasion.

4. What is meant by hegemony?
Answer: Hegemony is an international system to dominate world by only one superpower.

5. First Gulf War was fought against in which troops from countries fought.
Answer: Iraq, 34 countries.

6. What does the term ‘hegemony’ imply?
Answer: The word ‘hegemony’ implies the dominance of one state means world power in the form of military dominance, economic power, political clout and cultural superiority.

7. What is meant by 9/11 in the context of USA?
Answer:  9/11 denotes a series of attacks on the US by hijackers from Arab countries on 11 Sep 2001. It was the most disastrous attack on the US.

8. What is the New World Order?
Answer: The sudden collapse of Soviet Union led to the New World Order in the form of the US hegemony.

9. What is World Politics?
Answer: World Politics refers to distribution of power among the countries of the world. These countries are engaged to gain and retain power by their capabilities.

10. Mention the period of beginning of US hegemony.
Answer: 1991.

11. Name the elected president of the USA in the year 1992 and 1996.
Answer: William Jefferson Bill Clinton.

12. What was the focus of foreign policy of Bill Clinton?
Answer: The Clinton government tended to focus on ‘Soft issues’ like democracy promotion, climate change and world trade rather than on the hard politics of military power.

13. What was Guantanamo Bay?
Answer: A naval base in Cuba set up by the US where prisoners forbidden of the protection of international law or law of their own country or that of the US.

14. Mention any two constraints operated in the US hegemony.
Answer: Two constraints operated in the US hegemony are institutional architecture of American state (division of power) and open nature of American Society.

15. What are Global Public Goods?
Answer: Goods that can be consumed by people without reducing the amount of available goods for others are known as the global public goods.
Examples: Fresh air, roads, sea-lanes of communications (SLoCs).

16. What is SLoCs?
Answer: SLoCs stands for Sea Lanes of Communications. It is the naval power of hegemon that underwrites the law of the sea and ensures freedom of navigation in international water.

17. What is the full form of WMD?
Answer: WMD stands for Weapons of Mass Destruction.

18. What is meant by hegemony as hard power?
Answer. Hegemony as hard power implies dominance of superpower on ground of military power.

19. What is meant by hegemony as structural power?
Answer: Hegemony as structural power implies dominance of superpower on grounds of economic structure. The superpower must possess both the ability and the desire to establish norms for order and must sustain the global structure.

Very Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
1. When and why did the New World Order begin?
Answer: The New World Order began in 1991 after the collapse of Soviet Union. The world was left only with single superpower the US and came to be known as the US Hegemony to show the superiority of its military power. The US hegemony also shaped the world economy and emerged in the form of military domination, economic order, political clout and cultural superiority.

2. Why did US launch a war against Iraq?
Answer: On 19 March 2003, the US launched a war against Iraq under the codename of ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom’ to be joined by forty other countries under the leadership of the US on the ground to prevent Iraq from developing weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) without no evidence against Iraq. Hence, the ostensible purposes were different as controlling Iraqi Oilfields and installing a regime friendly to the US.

3. How was Kuwait liberated from Iraq in 1990?
Answer: In August 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait rapidly occupying and subsequently annexing it. All diplomatic attempts were a failure in convincing Iraq to quit its aggression. The United Nations took a dramatic decision to mandate the liberation of Kuwait by force. A massive coalition force of 66,000 troops from 34 countries fought against Iraq and defeated it, known as the First Gulf War also.

4. What was ‘Operation Infinite Reach’ ordered by President Clinton?
Answer: Operation Infinite Reach was a series of cruise missile strikes on Al-Qaeda terrorist targets in Sudan and Afghanistan. For this, the US did not bother of any international law. This operation was ordered by President Clinton in response to bombing of the US embassies in Narobi, Kenya, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania in 1998.

5. What was Operation Enduring Freedom?
Answer: Operation Enduring Freedom was the US response against 9/11 attack to arrest all those who were suspected to be behind the attack, mainly Al-Qaeda and the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. The US arrested the persons all over the world often without the knowledge of government of the person being arrested, transported them and detained in secret prisons.

6. How can hegemony be overcome?
Answer: To overcome hegemony there are different strategies developed by analysts. As the bandwagon strategy reveals to extract benefits by operating within hegemonic system. ‘To hide’ strategy implies staying as far from the dominant power as possible. And it may be possible that various challenges to occur from non-state actors in the form of their writings, expressions to mould the minds of people.

7. “The US did not start behaving like a hegemonic power right from 1991, it became clear much later that world was living in fact in a period of hegemony”. Examine the statement.
Answer: The US hegemony was the beginning of New World Order and process for its establishment had been started in August 1990 when Iraq invaded Kuwait and occupied it to make a part of Iraq. Despite UN’s diplomatic attempts to liberate Kuwait from Iraq, it was not liberated. Hence UN mandated liberation of Kuwait by force, a dramatic decision. A massive coalition force of 660,000 troops from 34 countries fought against Iraq and defeated it under UN’s ‘Operation Desert Storm’. But it was led by the US because 75 per cent of the coalition forces were from the US only. This war is popularly known as the First Gulf War establishing the US hegemony.

8. With reference to Iraq invasion, mention the American weaknesses.
Answer: Imperial powers have used military forces to accomplish only four tasks to conquer, deter, punish and police in a historical perspective. As the Iraq invasion shows American capacity to conquer is formidable and capability to deter and to punish is self evident. American weakness has been revealed in performing fourth task i.e. the policing in an occupied territory.

9. What was 9/11 event? How did the US respond to it?
Answer: 9/11 event implies a series of attacks on the US by hijackers from Arab countries on 11 September 2001. It was the most disastrous attack on the US. The hijackers attacked on important US building as World Trade Centre in New York, Pentagon building and Capital building of US Congress in Pennsylvania.
The US responded to it by launching ‘Operation Enduring Freedom’ to arrest all those who were suspected to be behind this attack. The US forces made arrest all over the world without the knowledge of the government of the persons being arrested, transported and detained them in secret prisons mainly against Al-Qaeda and Taliban regime in Afghanistan.

10. “The US hegemony does not dominate the world only as hard and structural power but as a soft power also.” Justify the statement.
Answer: The US hegemony does not dominate the world only as militarily and economically but it has the capacity to create ‘manufacturing consent’ from the rest of the world in the cultural dimensions also. The cultural dimension implies class ascendancy in the social, political and ideological spheres where the ideas of ‘good life’ are flourished. Its most appealing example is of‘blue jeans’ from the US, which had the capacity to engineer even as generational divide.

Short Answer Type Questions [4 Marks]
1. How far is it correctly say that the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Centre was the attack on the US hegemony? Explain.
Answer: The US had established its hegemony through the launch of two operations namely ‘Operation Desert Storm’ where 75 per cent of the coalition forces were from the US and ‘Operation Infinite Reach’, a series of Cruise missile strikes on Al-Qaeda. These operations made the US more confident of the establishment of the US hegemony that no one could dare to challenge the US. But, suddenly hijackers from Arab countries attacked on the World Trade Centre on 11 September 2001 alongwith the other important buildings also as Pentagon building (the US defence department) and the capital building of US the Congress. It was the most severe attack on the US soil since the founding of the country in 1776.
Thus, it can be concluded that the 9/11 attack was the attack on US hegemony which challenged the US in its own way.

2. Describe any two constraints of American hegemony.
Answer: The US domination in military, economic, cultural aspects over other nations to show her supremacy is known as US hegemony.
Its constraints are as follows-
1. The institutional architecture of American State itself i.e. they follow the system of division of powers between three organs of government.
2. The open nature of American Society and Political Culture i.e. the American mass media may promote a particular issue on domestic public opinion but never opposed the purposes and methods of government in American Political Culture.

3. What military actions were taken by Clinton government despite their lack of interest were different from military power?
Answer: The US President William Jefferson Bill Clinton believed in the policy of soft issues like democracy promotion, climate change and the world trade in place of military dominance. But the US revealed its military dominance even during the Clinton era wherever it was required by the US in the following manner:
1. In 1999, the US Yugoslavian action against the predominant Albanian population in the province of Kosovo. The NATO air force countries under the US leadership bombarded targets around Yugoslavia for two months forcing the downfall of the government of Slobodan Milosevic and the stationary of NATO force in Kosovo.
2. In 1998, the US launched an ‘Operation Infinite Reach’ a series of cruise missile strikes on Al-Qaeda terrorist targets in Sudan and Afghanistan in response to the bombings of US embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, Dar-es- Salaam and Tanzania.

4, Explain the hegemony of the United States of America as a structural power.
Answer: Hegemony as a structural power implies economic perspective of world economy. It can be summed up in the following ways:
1. An open world economy requires a dominant power to support its creation and existence.
2. The hegemon must possess both the ability and the desire to establish certain norms for order and must sustain global structure i.e. Bretton Woods system set up by the US after Second World Wan
3. The US reflects this hegemony by providing the global public goods, those can be consumed by one person without reducing the amount of goods available for someone else.
4. A classical example of structural power of the US is the academic degree Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) to sharpen business skills in a University.

5. “Economic preponderance of the US is inseparable from its structural power”. Discuss.
Answer: Economic preponderance of the US is inseparable from its structural power, it can be justified in the following manner:
1. The hegemon shapes the basic global economy in a particular manner aS
the US provided the Bretton Woods system after Second World War.
2. We can regard the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Trade Organisation (WTO) as the products of American hegemony.

6. In reference of structural power mention the global public goods by which the US established its hegemony?
Answer:  The global public goods can be consumed by one person without reducing the amount of the goods available for someone else:
1. Sea lanes of communications (SLoCs) is the naval power of the hegemon to underwrite the law of the sea and to ensure freedom of navigational international waters. These sea routes are commonly used by merchant ships.
2. Internet is the direct outcome of a US military research project that began in 1950. Even today, internet relies on a global network of satellites.

7. How does India maintain its relations with the US during post Cold War?
Answer: After the collapse of Soviet Union India decided to liberalise its economy and integrate it with global economy. India’s impressive economic growth rate made India an attractive economic partner for the US due to its technological dimensions and the role of Indian- American diaspora. These two factors are interrelated in the following ways:
1. The US absorbs about 65 per cent of India’s total exports in the software sector.
2. 35 per cent of the technical staff of Boeing is estimated to be of Indian origin.
3. 300,000 Indians work in Silicon Valley.
4. 15 per cent of all high-tech start ups are by Indian-Americans.

8. Explain the strategies which, may be performed by India to maintain Indo-US relations.
Answer: In today’s scenario India is supposed to decide what type of relations to have with the US. Moreover, the three strategies have been debated by Indian analysts:
1. Indian analysts observed military nature of US hegemony and suggested that India should maintain its aloofness from Washington and focus upon increasing its own comprehensive national power.
2. The analysts secondly suggest that India should take advantage of the US hegemony and the mutual convergences to establish the best possible options for itself in future perspective.
3. The third strategy is suggested that India should lead in establishing a coalition from the developing countries to become powerful and work out in weaning the hegemon away from its dominating ways. Moreover, it cannot be concluded that India may opt for one strategy to maintain Indo-US relations, but it needs a mix of strategies to maintain its own identity.

Passage Based Questions [5 Marks]
1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions:
During the Cold War years, India found itself on the opposite side of the divide from the US. India’s closest friendship during those years was with the Soviet Union. After the collapse of Soviet Union, India suddenly found itself friendless in an increasingly hostile international environment. However, these were also the years when India decided to liberalise its economy and integrate it with the global economy. This policy and India’s impressive economic growth rate made the country an attractive economic partner for a number of countries including the US.

1. Name the country which was India’s closest friend during Cold War years.
2. What was India’s policy during post Cold War years?
3. What made India an attractive economic partner for the countries like the US?
1. Soviet Union.
2. India decided to liberalise its economy and integrate it with global economy.
3. India’s policy of liberalisation and its impressive economic growth rate.
2. Read the following passage (NCERT Textbook, page 47) carefully and answer the questions:
Some people argue that it is strategically more prudent to take advantage of the opportunities that hegemony creates. For instance, raising economic growth rates requires increased trade, technology transfers and investment, which are best acquired by working with rather than against the hegemon. Thus, it is suggested that instead of engaging in activities opposed to hegemonic power, it may be advisable to extract benefits by operating within the hegemonic system. This is called the bandwagon strategy.

1. What is prudent during a period of hegemony?
2. What benefits can be acquired within the hegemonic system?
3. What is the bandwagon strategy?
1. To take advantage of opportunities that a hegemon creates.
2. Increased trade, technology transfers and investment.
3. To extract benefits by operating within hegemonic system in place of being engaged in the opposed activities.

Long Answer Type Questions [6 Marks]
1. Examine any three factors responsible for the US hegemony in the world politics.
Answer: Three factors responsible for the US hegemony in the world politics are
(i) The US power lies in the overwhelming superiority of its military power. American military dominance today is both absolute and relative. In absolute terms, the US today has military capabilities that can reach any point on the planet accurately, lethally and in real time, thereby crippling the adversary while its own forces are sheltered to the maximum extent possible from the dangers of war.
(ii) No other power today can remotely match them. The US today spends
more on its military capability than the next 12 powers combined. Further more, a large chunk of the Pentagon’s budget goes into military research and development, or, in other words, technology. Thus, the military dominance of the US is not just based on higher military spending, but on a qualitative gap, a technological chasm that no other power can at present conceivably span.
(iii) The US invasion of Iraq shows that the American capacity to conquer is formidable. Similarly the US capability to deter and to punish is self-evident. More than forty countries joined in the US-led ‘coalition of the willing’ after the UN refused to give its mandate to theinvasion. Thus, no country can deny the US superiority in the world politics.

2. Explain the three types of US hegemony and give examples for each.
Answer: GO Hegemony as Hard Power:
(a) This hegemony signifies military status of America to be both absolute and relative. In absolute terms, it has military capabilities to reach any point on the Planet accurately and no other power today can remotely match them.
(b) The US military dominance is based on both the higher military expenditure and on a qualitative gap i.e. technological know-how.
(ii) Hegemony as Structural Power:
(a) It signifies ‘Economic Prospects’ of hegemon power to possess both the ability and the desire to establish certain norms for order and sustain global structure even including goods to be consumed by one person without reducing the amount of goods available for someone else.
(b) A classical example is academic
degree MBA (Masters in Business Administration) to presume business as a profession to be dependent upon skills that can be taught in a University which is uniquely American.
(iii) Hegemony as Soft Power:
(a) US Hegemony has its cultural dimensions also which implies class ascendancy in social, political and particularly ideological spheres to shape the behaviour of competing and lesser powers.Here, the consent goes hand in and more effective than coercion.
(b) For example, most of the dreams of individuals and societies across the globe, are dreams churned out by practices prevailing in twentieth—century America. All these are about the capacity to manufacture consent.

3. What are different natures of hegemony? Explain.
Answer: Hegemony is an international system to dominate world by only one superpower. The natures of hegemony can be found out as follows:
(i) Hegemony as Hard Power:
(a) It is based on the military capability between the states.
(b) The US military dominance is based on their higher expenditures on military as well as the technological know-how.
(c) The US bears military dominance in both the terms i.e. absolute and relative. In absolute terms the US military capabilities can reach any point on the planet and no other power can be a match to them.
(ii) Hegemony as Structural Power:
(a) It is based on economic factors of the world dominated by the hegemonic power.
(b) Hegemony must sustain global structure to establish certain norms for order and the US has set up Bretton Woods System.
(c) The US hegemony has provided the global public goods to be consumed by one person without reducing the amount available for someone else as SLoCs and the Internet, MBA degree.
(iii) Hegemony as Soft Power:
(a) To dominate world even in reference of cultural dimensions i.e. class ascendancy in social, political and ideological spheres.
(b) The US hegemony has the capacity to create ‘manufacturing consent’ by the class to be dominated by the hegemon.
(c) The ‘blue jeans’ from the US is capable to engineer even a generational divide.

4. How can the US hegemony be checked?
How long will hegemony last? How do we get beyond hegemony?
Answer: (i) The US hegemony has been symbolised as the global village and other countries as its neighbours.
(ii) If the headman of global village becomes intolerable, neighbours do not have any choice of leaving it, but develop a resistant.
(iii) Though there are some rules and norms called laws of war that restrict but do not prohibit war.
(iv) No single power can challenge the US militarily.
Still, to overcome the US hegemony, the following strategies have been found out: (a) Bandwagon strategy emphasises not to oppose hegemonic power, instead take advantage of opportunities that hegemon creates i.e. increased trade and technology transfer and investments to extract benefits by operating within hegemonic system. (.b) To hide strategy implies to stay as far removed from the dominant power as possible as China, Russia and the European Union. This strategy is applicable to small states but states may not be able to hide for substantial length of time.
(c) Non-state actors as writers, artists and intellectuals have no boundaries to work with. They can reach beyond the limits of the states to mould the minds of people through their expressions.

5. What is meant by Operation Iraqi Freedom? Mention its main and hidden objectives. Give any two consequences of this operation.
Answer: Operation Iraqi Freedom was the code name given by the US to launch invasion on 19 March 2003. More than 40 countries joined in the US led coalition of the willing after the UN refused to give its mandate to the invasion.
Main Objective: To prevent Iraq from developing Weapons of Mass Destructions (WMD). Since no evidence of WMD has been unearthed in Iraq. Hidden Objective: It was motivated by controlling Iraqi Oilfields and installing a regime friendly to the US. Consequences of this Operation
1. Although the government of Saddam Hussein fell swiftly but US has not been able to pacify Iraq.
2. A fully fledged insurgency against US occupation was ignited in. Iraq.
3. Conservatively estimated that 50,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed since the US-led invasion.
4. It is widely recognised that the US invasion of Iraq was, in some crucial respects, both a military and political failure.

Picture/Map Based Questions [5 Marks]
1. Study the cartoon given above and answer the following questions:
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Political Science US Hegemony in World Politics Picture Based Questions Q1

(i) Which country is represented by this mighty soldier?
(ii) Why have the names of so many countries been written on the uniform of the soldier?
(iii) What message does this cartoon convey to the international community?
Answer: (i) The United States of America is represented by this mighty soldier.
(ii) On 19 March 2003, the US launched its invasion of Iraq under the codename “Operation Iraqui Freedom”. More than forty other countries joined in the US-led invasion. The names of these countries have been written on this soldier’s uniform.
(iii) This cartoon shows that America is all powerful and can go to any extent to serve its interests. It attacked Iraq even after the UN refused to give its mandate to the invasion.

2. Study the picture given below and answer the questions that follow:
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Political Science US Hegemony in World Politics Picture Based Questions Q2

1. Who has been represented by cartoon wearing cap?
2. What does this cartoon try to speak?
3. Which event can be correlated with this cartoon?
4. ‘You posed a potential threat’. What does this refer?
1. The USA.
2. The US hegemony.
3. The US response to 9/11 attack against Al-Qaeda and Taliban.
4. 9/11 attack was an attack on the US hegemony and in response they launched operation Enduring Freedom to teach a lesson to the countries if it is dared to repeat.

3. Study the picture given below and answer the questions that follow:
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Political Science US Hegemony in World Politics Picture Based Questions Q3

1. How long do you think the US will stay on the superpower stage?
2. Except China, who can be shown as waiting in the wings?
3. What is being represented in the cartoon?
4. Why China has been represented as waiting in the wings?
1. The US will stay on the superpower stage till the rest of the world is resistant with the US and the mega states like China, Russia, India and EU follow the strategy ‘to hide’.
2. Either Russia or India or EU.
3. The well established US hegemony or unipolar world and other countries may be next in the wings.
4. China is a mega-state who can stand at par US hegemony if it accommodates its full potential for the same.

B. On a political outline map of the world locate and label the following and symbolise them as indicated:
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Political Science US Hegemony in World Politics Map Based Questions

1. The country Iraq invaded in Aug. 1990.
2. The country in the presidentship of Saddam Hussein.
3. The country referred to as a hegemonic power.
4. Operation Infinite Reach was launched against these countries.
1. Kuwait (A).
2. Iraq (B).
3. The USA (C).

4. Afghanistan and Sud


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